Grub Updated Seamlessly

I am not sure I am understanding correct.
You mean now just an update with yay -Syu is just enough without the 2 commands!
But I got from @dalto

Any way, it is OK with me! (This is so techie for me to understand) I have to admit!
Sorry guys for taking much of your time.

It should be the same as the grub version but could be different from the version of grub you have installed to the EFI partition.

The verbiage is complicated because “install” can mean two different things when applied to grub.

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This is the point why I made the script and .desktopfile to update this way to be on the safe side.

I think a better translation would be: “If you don’t run grub-install when grub is updated, you run the risk of a problem next time grub-mkconfig is run”.


So, it is not really a “recommendation” as an optional thing to do or not to do. It is like we “recommend” not to cross the street when pedestrain light is red! You might survive if you did, you might not.

Thanks guys, I got and understood a bit more of the Grub story.

In general, a “recommendation” is some thing that you should do, not something you must do.

A recommendation is not the same as a requirement.

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Yes, but maybe I … I don’t remember why I did it.

Well, I was grown up in a more strict way, if it is said x is better than y though y is good as well and not bad in any way then I must always do the better! :rofl:

But you know what… it was worth it and it paid. I personally benefited from this principle and from applying it!

I checked the log (/var/log/endeavour-install.log) file to see exactly what to enter.

[PYTHON JOB]: "Bootloader: grub (bios)" 
    .. Running ("grub-install", "--target=i386-pc", "--recheck", "--force", "/dev/sda") 
    .. Running ("grub-mkconfig", "-o", "/boot/grub/grub.cfg") 
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I wouldn’t use that one:

--force                install even if problems are detected

I just exec yay too. reboot and everything ok. same as

I’m wearing black socks today.

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I’m hoping the tile adhesive fixes the magnets for the removable tile on my boxed-in pipework.

When they say run

 $ grub-install ...

Do they mean it literally grub-install or do they mean something else? I wish they would tell it exactly like it is! The proper command in full!


The proper command varies per system. There is no perfect answer.

If you have a fairly typical system I would use:

sudo grub-install --no-nvram

They can’t tell the full command as it varies by the system and configuration.

This is the problem. I i run grub-install it just gives errors…

Try the command I provided above

Hope you have a backup. :wink:

[ricklinux@kde-plasma ~]$ sudo grub-install --no-nvram
[sudo] password for ricklinux: 
Installing for x86_64-efi platform.
Installation finished. No error reported.
[ricklinux@kde-plasma ~]$ 

Yes then it works.

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