I am dual-booting windows, EOS, and popos but mainly use EOS. Today I changed a setting to hibernate when I close my laptop. When I opened it back up, I was greeted with a grub menu with windows and popos but not EOS. I update my system regularly. I have tried rebooting but no progress. I have no idea how to fix this pls help.
You are possibly booting the Pop OS grub bootloader.
Use BIOS Quick Boot Menu to select EnOS UEFI entry.
@pepeshe , Check this if you can reach Pop_os
[ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "Installed in UEFI mode" || echo "Installed in Legacy mode"
shows the BIOS boot mode.
Pop OS uses GRUB only in BIOS Legacy mode as opposed to EOS doesn’t it?
I believe my popos install doesn’t use grub. In my quick boot menu I have Windows, Ubuntu (which I assume is pop) and “linux”. Now I’m trying to boot from the linux one which is grub.
it returns “installed in UEFI mode”
partition overview could tell something too:
lsblk -f
And the info in what row you installed the 3 OSs
├─nvme0n1p1 vfat FAT32 SYSTEM 686E-8265
├─nvme0n1p3 ntfs Windows 5A84009884007931
├─nvme0n1p4 ntfs 2CAAFCD4AAFC9C10
├─nvme0n1p5 ext4 1.0 ef295e64-ebec-4e16-b5ee-2c53fa032c98 201.9G 51% /
├─nvme0n1p6 vfat FAT32 65E2-9550 110.1M 78% /boot/efi
├─nvme0n1p7 swsuspend s1suspend 6f25d178-5425-4d86-b46d-0560c6461ff3
│ └─cryptswap swap 1 cryptswap bb3ba58f-085d-412f-8633-26d7aa99ab3a [SWAP]
└─nvme0n1p8 ext4 1.0 endeavouros 75879813-5591-41d5-b5ed-96cafa601c39
p8 is EOS, windows on p3, and the pop on p5
Are you not sure? Can you find out? Look in PopOS User Manual, or any Official web Documentation about how to find out.
Please, list the exact settings and procedures you have followed.
Did you reboot after the modifications?
Did you re-configure Grub after the modifications?
That is very unlikelly to happen, if you have booted to the EnOS Grub bootloader. Post a picture of that Grub Menu.
Post output of these terminal commands:
sudo efibootmgr -u
sudo lsblk -fo +PARTUUID
grep -vE "\s*#" /etc/fstab | sed 's|\s\+| |g'
Hi, thanks for all the help but it seems that I was being a bit stupid.
I did an arch-chroot from a usb and discovered that I was in fact using systemd-boot and not grub. Then upon reinstalling my kernels, I found that my efi partition was full for some reason and eos was not in the entries. I expanded the partition and did reinstall-kernels which fixed the problem.
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