Grub Breakage ... Again!

I see, you are a very precise perfectionist!

Again, the naughty curious me, I can’t skip or ignore to ask, what is the difference? Both are software, both will run the same command!

The answer to this is the answer to my question above, what’s the difference. I am sure you have a reason or a logic behind this which I am curious to know.

So to summarize, may I ask you @eznix do you see that my hook should work as expected?
Still remains the question, if it works as expected and installs Grub if needed which the OP at Latest grub bricked my system (grub_is_shim_lock_enabled not found) said he did then the question why did it break with him!

I’m sorry, I am always asking, since I was a kid, whatever I sense with any of my senses I ask!

By the way, asking was what guided me to Linux, way back at the beginning of 2000 after suffering a lot of :poop: of M$, I asked many questions:

  • How come can banks work with this :poop: how do they make money and keep their clients money
  • How come factories work with this :poop: and make money
  • If airports… how planes do not crash every 10 minutes!
  • Can ministries of defense, air defense… work with this they will be vulnerable if their oponent just used pencil and paper
  • How could…
  • are there other operating systems that are reliable
  • what are they
  • why are they more reliable
  • can I get any of them
  • how…

You see a system crashing made me ask 10 questions to start with, with every answer creating more questions…

Sorry, this is me. Sorry, isn’t this how humanity developed and is developing!
This is how I developed myself personally.
I apologize