Gnome update broke Gnome Shell for me

After upgrading to
gnome-shell 3.36.4-1
gnome-control-center 3.36.4-1
mutter 3.36.4-1
Gnome shell was totally borked for me.
If you clicked the “Show Applications” button in the lower left, the background faded out, running apps were reduced, everything looked normal. Until you tried to get back out of applications. Clicking Show Applications, mouse bumping the upper left corner, clicking on the BIG x on any of the Apps, nothing worked. The only way out of this was to log out.

Fortunately, after logging out then in, any thing in the dash panel would work. I had terminal on the panel and was able to downgrade back to versions 3.36.3-1 of the above mentioned packages. After reboot, all is back to normal.

Anyone else experiencing this?



So you are using Gnome on Windows?

Sorry, could’t resist… :wink: :joy:


Well, at least the lower left panel button says “Show Applications” and not “Start”.
Only with Windows would you stop the computer by pressing “Start”. :man_shrugging:



After your report, I tried it also and I have the same problem.


Good. I thought maybe the mummy’s curse was back again. I had a heck of a time getting rid of it the first time I had it.



OK, enough of the jocularity, I got to get back to testing.



Is this broken? I just installed it!

Screenshot from 2020-07-08 16-54-22

No, when you have an app opened and you use that function, you can’t go back and no matter what you click or type, the screen stays unresponsive. So you have to log out and log in to use the DE again.

I’m not sure if mine is broken? I open an app and then click show applications and it goes back and i can open something else?

which graphic boat are you on

I have the same issue Pudge reported on my shared intel and also on my Nvidia machines. Perhaps @ricklinux is lucky having AMD?

I just installed it but it’s on v-box?

Ah, perhaps the issue shows on bare metal only.

[ricklinux@eos-gnome ~]$ pacman -Q | grep gnome-shell
chrome-gnome-shell 10.1-4
gnome-shell 1:3.36.4-1
gnome-shell-extensions 3.36.2-1
[ricklinux@eos-gnome ~]$ pacman -Q | grep mutter
mutter 3.36.4-1
[ricklinux@eos-gnome ~]$ pacman -Q | grep gnome-control-center
gnome-control-center 3.36.4-1
[ricklinux@eos-gnome ~]$ 

[jr@jr-pc ~]$ pacman -Q | grep gnome-shell
gnome-shell 1:3.36.4-1
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock 68+7+g8f1e968-1
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel 37-1
gnome-shell-extension-openweather-git r1092.834e037-1
gnome-shell-extensions 3.36.2-1
[jr@jr-pc ~]$ pacman -Q | grep gnome-control-center
gnome-control-center 3.36.4-1
[jr@jr-pc ~]$ pacman -Q | grep mutter
mutter 3.36.4-1

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Perhaps it is the Gnome-shell-extensions that must be updated to the Gnome-shell version. It isn’t the first time Gnome leaves its users in the cold by not checking the state of the Gnome-extensions.

You installed vanilla Gnome, that’s why there’s no problem, when you instal dash to dock or dash to panel, you’re having the same issues.


I haven’t used dash to dock or dash to panel? Not sure the difference?

Edit: I can try it?

Both are tools to organize tyour tools and apps in a dock (dash to dock) or in the top bar (dash to panel)

The issue here is Gnome extensions (any of them) are often left behind by Gnome, while they offer it as an optional install on Ubuntu or Fedora, it is stupid.


me, the extensions come from aur and not from the gnome site

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I have dash-to-panel on my bare metal Gnome install. If I had time, I would disable dash-to-panel and do the upgrade again to see the results. I believe @Bryanpwo is correct about the Gnome Shell Extensions. Either way, I will wait until something gets fixed before I upgrade again as this is my daily driver.


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