Getting grub out of memory error after installing a new 2 TB SSD

The only thing I did after installing the SSD was booting into the system and checking in gparted if it sees the new ssd, it did. Did a reboot and got out of memory error after the boot screen.

Also I had a 1 TB SSD in the system, took it’s cable and put it on the new drive, then installed a new cable on a different sata port and put it on the old ssd, for better cable management. At first boot there wasn’t any problem, I saw both drives, even checked the contents of the old ssd.

It took a minute or more to boot with the out of memory message. Tried rebooting after that, now it doesn’t say out of memory, just takes a long minute to boot.

edit: It did display the out of memory message a few more times. Then I ran sudo grub-install and sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg after that I didn’t see that error, just it still takes a minute to boot. It hangs after the inital ramdisk message, the drive usage led is lit up constantly for that time.

Soooo… idk why the out of memory error appeared, but the reason for the slow boot was something with the SATA cable. I have started grub with loglevel=6 and saw a sofreset failed(1st FIS failed) message, that means somethings up with the hardware, luckily unplugging and replugging fixed my problem.

Took me 4 hours to find this :sweat_smile: because the drive was working, I moved my SteamLibrary to the new drive and tried a game, so I didn’t think there was something wrong with the drive itself.

Also when I first plugged the drive in, I didn’t see it in the bios, but saw it in the OS. I thought it’s just some asrock bug…

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