Funniest Caption Contest!

Yesterday’s winner is @Sharp :tada:

Three-day contest begins now!

Jack? Beanstalk? Ignore the naysayers! Our giant of a company can never fall from its ever-increasing heights.

Looks like our new bean counter has arrived.


No, this is Giants of Industry. You’re wanting Big Bad Giant, which is next level up.


Early winner pick is @onyxnz :tada:

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Next round for two days (Monday & Tuesday) begins!

Do you mind? I am trying to get some sleep down here!

Can you plant me another batch of the “Danver’s Half Longs”? They are early, sweet, and easy growing.


“Pardon me, but do you have time to talk about our lord and savior, the Easter bunny?”

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And the winner is… @fecklesstech :tada:

The next two-day round begins…NOW!

That’s a toothpaste advertisement! Whitest teeth ever!

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Relax, they look menacing but their bite force is weak.

I wonder if he would just let me have the necklace.

It was at this point that Bob was to regret that Shark Fin Soup for lunch.

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With Photoshop, you too can make it look like you’re in a dangerous situation that never existed.

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We have a three-way tie:

Congrats to @onyxnz @serutan @petsam!


Next two day round begins!

Chesh’s favourite part of his routine was soon to followed by the most difficult; the hairbrushing.

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