Freetube 21.1 beta (new version 21.2 beta)

Anyone else having issues playing videos from Youtube on Freetube using 21.1 beta? It was working fine until today. When I open up any podcast for viewing the screen jumps back and forth like it’s attempting to initialize the video but it can’t start it. I tried to get a video screenshot to show what it’s doing but failed to do so. I don’t know if it’s a Linux issue with video or a Freetube issue that is corrected in 21.2 beta. Anyone else see or know what I’m talking about?


I’m using freetube-git.

I noticed this issue yesterday. I rebuilt today (and there was an update), and the issue looks to be resolved.

Been having the same issue here randomly with version 21.1. and now with 21.2.

However, being that the older packages are still available, you could use one of those instead until 21.3.

Scratch that. The older versions are worse! :joy:

Scratch that too. No, they are not! They are just fine with some videos. :rofl:

Wait, it’s just falling back to the Invidious API each time. Older versions are worse! :skull:

The dev has been releasing A LOT more frequently now, so bugs should kinda be expected.

A temporary fix is to switch to an Indivious instance, instead of the default local one. I haven’t tried the new build yet.

Player settings: proxy videos thru invidious settings. . . .

This seems to work now in 21.1. Just had to find the setting under player and move the slider
settings to activate this. Videos now play properly.



I still could not install the following version 0.21.2-1 using aur, though it’s ready.

[roger@roger-lenovo ~]$ yay -S freetube-bin
Sync Explicit (1): freetube-bin-0.21.1-1
[sudo] Mot de passe de roger :

I was able to download, install and use Freetube to watch videos with no issues whatsoever.

If the AUR package doesn’t work, perhaps try the Flatpak version. I think that’s what the developer recommends anyway?

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The AppImage works perfectly on my end.

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I use source from github. Copied it into /opt. Works perfectly. Update works too without issues

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Got the latest version from AUR repository. Installed the -bin version. Works fine.


Thnx for the responses. . .

Thanks for your various solutions. As it’s a cumbersome app and I have lots of subscriptions, I prefer to stick to my current type of install.

Following rich52, I’ll install the aur (which announces nevertheless 21.1)… let’s see

To no avail

[roger@roger-lenovo ~]$ yay -S freetube-bin
Sync Explicit (1): freetube-bin-0.21.1-1
[sudo] Mot de passe de roger :
avertissement : freetube-bin-0.21.1-1 est à jour – réinstallation
résolution des dépendances…
recherche des conflits entre paquets…

avertissement : nombre de colonnes disponibles insuffisant pour afficher la table
Paquets (1) freetube-bin-0.21.1-1

Taille totale du téléchargement : 77,39 MiB
Taille totale installée : 262,40 MiB
Taille de mise à jour nette : 0,00 MiB

Try the Flatpak version or their AppImage. Maybe those work?

Up to now, I managed to do without flatpak…
I just tried to understand why yay did not update to the latest freetube-bin version (21.2) and stuck to the previous one.

If you simply just run


can you see the latest Freetube amongst your other updates?
OR by running…

yay freetube

can’t you see it among the choices?


These versions run just fine, and they will use your FreeTube config folder automatically.

There is no need to worry about FreeTube not having all your subscriptions and settings.
Only the Snap version — which isn’t even listed on the official site — moves your settings to another location.

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yay freetube offered me as a third choice the freetube-bin 21.2 version I was looking for and that I installed.

Thank you for the tip.

You’re welcome! :enos:

mega issues mostly non-stop unplayable GLITCHY. last update fixed it for me.