Find where redshift.service is


I am trying to get redhsift to start after login. This i have figured out i can do using systemd --user start redshift.service with regard to this I dont know if it should be enable instead of start so it persists for ever. But my main issue is finding where the actual redshift.service file is. I gone on a quest in ~/.config/systemd/user/ and have used find / redshift.service and it cant be found. I just want to know where the .service file is.



systemctl status redshift.service will show you where it is.

systemctl cat redshift.service will show you the contents.

That being said Do not modify the service file.

If you want to modify the service, either use systemctl to modify it or copy it to /etc/systemd/system and modify it there.


Thanks that worked buy only when I added --user to both of them if not it said that the service could not be found. Why is the --user necessary?



Running a service as --user runs it as your user.

Here is an explanation:

Many Thanks :open_book:

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