File Recovery on LUKS Partition


yesterday i deleted one file permanently with shift+del. It was an executable with .sh ending. I tried the whole day to recover it, but no success so far. I tried testdisk, photorec and r-linux but i was not able to recover anything. I’m not sure, maybe it is because my SSD is fully encrypted?

What would be your way to recover one file, that was deleted under 24h? It should be possible, doesn’t it?

Not necessarily - if you’ve carried on using the system and it’s running from the same partition (especially if you started installing new software packages in your quest to recover the file) then it’s quite possible you’ve already unintentionally overwritten wherever on the drive the original file was stored, in which case it’s toast.

yes, it probably is toast. but i couldn t recover anything yet, that is, what i dont understand