Fastfetch Config Tinkering

Loading images in general, it’s not so important if I can’t in fastfetch.

If I used Kitty in one view with few options, I would be fine, but split view use in Kitty is not as flexible as in Terminator or Tilix, and Terminator can save different layouts and has a lot of color themes.

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So I’ve edited down my kitty.conf to something more manageable. For now, I’ve kept entry descriptions. I also kept some entries I either want to explore later, or things I might need at a later date. Perhaps on another EOS install or another distro.


#: FONTS {{{

font_family  FiraCode Nerd Font Mono
bold_font  auto
italic_font  auto
bold_italic_font  auto
font_size  9.0

#: }}}


# cursor  #995AA5
#: Default text cursor color.Some themes set this value, if you
#: want to override it, place your value after the lines where the
#: theme file is included.

#: cursor_text_color  #111111
#: The color of text under the cursor. Some themes set this value,
#: if you want to override it, place your value after the lines where
#: the theme file is included.

cursor_shape  block
#: Cursor shape can be block, beam, or underline.

cursor_shape_unfocused hollow
#: Defines the text cursor shape when the OS window is not focused.
#: The unfocused cursor shape can be one of block, beam, underline,
#: hollow and unchanged (leave the cursor shape as it is).

cursor_beam_thickness 4.5
cursor_underline_thickness 2.0

cursor_blink_interval -1
#: The interval to blink the cursor (in seconds). Set to zero to
#: disable blinking. Negative values mean use system default.

# cursor_stop_blinking_after 15.0
#: Stop blinking cursor after the specified number of seconds of
#: keyboard inactivity. Set to zero to never stop blinking.

#: }}}


scrollback_lines 2000
#: Number of lines of history to keep in memory for scrolling back.
#: Memory is allocated on demand. Negative numbers are (effectively)
#: infinite scrollback.

wheel_scroll_multiplier 2.0
#: Multiplier for the number of lines scrolled by the mouse wheel.

# wheel_scroll_min_lines 1
#: The minimum number of lines scrolled by the mouse wheel.

# touch_scroll_multiplier 1.0
#: Multiplier for the number of lines scrolled by a touchpad.

#: }}}

#: MOUSE {{{

# mouse_hide_wait 3.0
#: Hide mouse cursor after the specified number of seconds of the
#: mouse not being used. Set to zero to disable mouse cursor hiding.
#: Set to a negative value to hide the mouse cursor immediately when
#: typing text.

# url_color #0087bd
# url_style curly
#: The color and style for highlighting URLs on mouse-over. url_style
#: can be one of: none, straight, double, curly, dotted, dashed.

# open_url_with default
#: The program to open clicked URLs.

# detect_urls yes
#: Detect URLs under the mouse. Detected URLs are highlighted with an
#: underline and the mouse cursor becomes a hand over them. Even if
#: this option is disabled, URLs are still clickable.

copy_on_select  yes
#: Copy to clipboard or a private buffer on select. With this set to
#: clipboard, selecting text with the mouse will cause the text to be
#: copied to clipboard.

# pointer_shape_when_grabbed arrow
#: The shape of the mouse pointer when the program running in the
#: terminal grabs the mouse.

# default_pointer_shape beam
#: The default shape of the mouse pointer.

# pointer_shape_when_dragging beam
#: The default shape of the mouse pointer when dragging across text.

#: }}}


remember_window_size  yes
# initial_window_width  640
# initial_window_height 400

# window_border_width 0.5pt
#: The width of window borders.

# window_margin_width 0
#: The window margin (in pts) (blank area outside the border).

# single_window_margin_width -1
#: The window margin to use when only a single window is visible (in
#: pts). Negative values will cause the value of window_margin_width
#: to be used instead.

# window_padding_width 0
#: The window padding (in pts) (blank area between the text and the
#: window border).

# single_window_padding_width -1
#: The window padding to use when only a single window is visible (in
#: pts). Negative values will cause the value of window_padding_width
#: to be used instead.

# active_border_color #00ff00
#: The color for the border of the active window. Set this to none to
#: not draw borders around the active window.

# inactive_border_color #cccccc
#: The color for the border of inactive windows.

# inactive_text_alpha 1.0
#: Fade the text in inactive windows by the specified amount (a number
#: between zero and one, with zero being fully faded).

# hide_window_decorations no
#: Hide the window decorations (title-bar and window borders) with
#: yes.

# window_logo_path none
#: Path to a logo image. Must be in PNG/JPEG/WEBP/GIF/TIFF/BMP format.
#: Relative paths are interpreted relative to the kitty config
#: directory. The logo is displayed in a corner of every kitty window.

# window_logo_position bottom-right
#: Where to position the window logo in the window. The value can be
#: one of: top-left, top, top-right, left, center, right, bottom-left,
#: bottom, bottom-right.

# window_logo_alpha 0.5
#: The amount the logo should be faded into the background. With zero
#: being fully faded and one being fully opaque.

# window_logo_scale 0
#: The percentage (0-100] of the window size to which the logo should
#: scale. Using a single number means the logo is scaled to that
#: percentage of the shortest window dimension, while preseving aspect
#: ratio of the logo image.

#: }}}

#: TAB BAR {{{

tab_bar_edge top
#: The edge to show the tab bar on, top or bottom.

# tab_bar_margin_width 0.0
#: The margin to the left and right of the tab bar (in pts).

# tab_bar_margin_height 0.0 0.0
#: The margin above and below the tab bar (in pts). The first number
#: is the margin between the edge of the OS Window and the tab bar.
#: The second number is the margin between the tab bar and the
#: contents of the current tab.

# tab_bar_style fade
#: The tab bar style, can be one of:
#: fade - each tab's edges fade into the background color.
#: slant - tabs look like the tabs in a physical file.
#: separator- tabs are separated by a configurable separator. 

# tab_bar_align left
#: The horizontal alignment of the tab bar, can be one of: left,
#: center, right.

# tab_bar_min_tabs 1
#: The minimum number of tabs that must exist before the tab bar is
#: shown.

# tab_switch_strategy previous
#: The algorithm to use when switching to a tab when the current tab
#: is closed. The default of previous will switch to the last used
#: tab. A value of left will switch to the tab to the left of the
#: closed tab. A value of right will switch to the tab to the right of
#: the closed tab. A value of last will switch to the right-most tab.

# tab_fade 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
#: Control how each tab fades into the background when using fade for
#: the tab_bar_style. Each number is an alpha (between zero and one)
#: that controls how much the corresponding cell fades into the
#: background, with zero being no fade and one being full fade. You
#: can change the number of cells used by adding/removing entries to
#: this list.

# tab_separator " ┇"
#: The separator between tabs in the tab bar when using separator as
#: the tab_bar_style.

# tab_title_max_length 0
#: The maximum number of cells that can be used to render the text in
#: a tab. A value of zero means that no limit is applied.

# active_tab_foreground   #000
# active_tab_background   #eee
# active_tab_font_style   bold-italic
# inactive_tab_foreground #444
# inactive_tab_background #999
# inactive_tab_font_style normal
#: Tab bar colors and styles.

# tab_bar_background none
#: Background color for the tab bar. Defaults to using the terminal
#: background color.

# tab_bar_margin_color none
#: Color for the tab bar margin area. Defaults to using the terminal
#: background color for margins above and below the tab bar. For side
#: margins the default color is chosen to match the background color
#: of the neighboring tab.

#: }}}


# foreground #dddddd
# background #2F343F
#: The foreground and background colors.

background_opacity .85
#: The opacity of the background. A number between zero and one, where
#: one is opaque and zero is fully transparent.

# background_blur 0
#: Set to a positive value to enable background blur (blurring of the
#: visuals behind a transparent window) on platforms that support it.
#: Only takes effect when background_opacity is less than one.

# background_image none
#: Path to a background image. Must be in PNG/JPEG/WEBP/TIFF/GIF/BMP
#: format.

# background_image_layout cscaled
#: Whether to tile, scale or clamp the background image. The value can
#: be one of tiled, mirror-tiled, scaled, clamped, centered or
#: cscaled. The scaled and cscaled values scale the image to the
#: window size, with cscaled preserving the image aspect ratio.

# background_image_linear no
#: When background image is scaled, whether linear interpolation
#: should be used.

#: }}}

#: Advanced {{{

# shell .
#: The shell program to execute. The default value of . means to use
#: the value of of the SHELL environment variable or if unset,
#: whatever shell is set as the default shell for the current user.
#: Note that on macOS if you change this, you might need to add
#: --login and --interactive to ensure that the shell starts in
#: interactive mode and reads its startup rc files. Environment
#: variables are expanded in this setting.

# editor .
#: The terminal based text editor (such as vim or nano) to use when
#: editing the kitty config file or similar tasks.
#: The default value of . means to use the environment variables
#: VISUAL and EDITOR in that order. If these variables aren't set,
#: kitty will run your shell ($SHELL -l -i -c env) to see if your
#: shell startup rc files set VISUAL or EDITOR. If that doesn't work,
#: kitty will cycle through various known editors (vim, emacs, etc.)
#: and take the first one that exists on your system.

# clipboard_control write-clipboard write-primary read-clipboard-ask read-primary-ask
#: Allow programs running in kitty to read and write from the
#: clipboard. You can control exactly which actions are allowed. The
#: possible actions are: write-clipboard, read-clipboard, write-
#: primary, read-primary, read-clipboard-ask, read-primary-ask. The
#: default is to allow writing to the clipboard and primary selection
#: and to ask for permission when a program tries to read from the
#: clipboard. Note that disabling the read confirmation is a security
#: risk as it means that any program, even the ones running on a
#: remote server via SSH can read your clipboard. See also
#: clipboard_max_size.

# clipboard_max_size 512
#: The maximum size (in MB) of data from programs running in kitty
#: that will be stored for writing to the system clipboard. A value of
#: zero means no size limit is applied. See also clipboard_control.

# allow_hyperlinks yes
#: Process hyperlink escape sequences (OSC 8). If disabled OSC 8
#: escape sequences are ignored. Otherwise they become clickable
#: links, that you can click with the mouse or by using the hints
#: kitten <>. The
#: special value of ask means that kitty will ask before opening the
#: link when clicked.

shell_integration enabled
#: Enable shell integration on supported shells. This enables features
#: such as jumping to previous prompts, browsing the output of the
#: previous command in a pager, etc. on supported shells. Set to
#: disabled to turn off shell integration, completely. It is also
#: possible to disable individual features, set to a space separated
#: list of these values: no-rc, no-cursor, no-title, no-cwd, no-
#: prompt-mark, no-complete, no-sudo. See Shell integration
#: <> for details.

#: }}}


# wayland_titlebar_color system
#: The color of the kitty window's titlebar on Wayland systems with
#: client side window decorations such as GNOME. A value of system
#: means to use the default system colors, a value of background means
#: to use the background color of the currently active kitty window
#: and finally you can use an arbitrary color, such as #12af59 or red.

# linux_display_server auto
#: Choose between Wayland and X11 backends. By default, an appropriate
#: backend based on the system state is chosen automatically. Set it
#: to x11 or wayland to force the choice. Changing this option by
#: reloading the config is not supported.

# wayland_enable_ime yes
#: Enable Input Method Extension on Wayland. This is typically used
#: for inputting text in East Asian languages. However, its
#: implementation in Wayland is often buggy and introduces latency
#: into the input loop, so disable this if you know you dont need it.
#: Changing this option by reloading the config is not supported, it
#: will not have any effect.

#: }}}

# Adwaita dark
include current-theme.conf
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I guess you use some ls substitute with icons ?


I tried various other fonts and ran across a post that listed various fonts that supported the icons and, to some extent, the box lines. So I chose FiraCode Nerd Font Mono. Plus, I think the font looks great.


Your fastfetch looks awesome!

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Thanks! :enos_flag:

I just realized display was missing under hardware. Just added it. :slightly_smiling_face:


That rainy day came sooner than expected, spent a little time noodling on my test machine running CachyOS, in the time-honoured fashion of “find something you like and then break it until you like it better”

Also giving Hyprland a go to see how I really feel about tiling WMs - the jury is still out on that one.

(The nice thing about my test machine is it’s the exact same make and model as my daily driver since it’s a relative’s old machine, so I have the bonus of a whole suite of spare parts for my own baby and/or the option of just cloning things back and forth if I land on something I like :laughing:)


NOW I’m done…

…for now. :crazy_face: :vulcan_salute:


You inspired me to tinker myself. Spend a few hours yesterday, pretty happy with it. :vulcan_salute:

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Between configurations of Fastfetch, Kitty and Kitty theme… I’M NERDING OUT! :joy:

Used the astronaut from this wallpaper…

…to make this for Fastfetch



I tried with some emoji, but I have more choice with nerd icons.



I think I will keep this :


Ya’ll really got me on a kick today.

Back to work haha


More tinkering, y’all. New image:

The image I created (click image to enlarge):


More tinkering. Added some more entries, changed terminal font to Hack Nerd Font, using the standard EOS logo.


More tinkering :smiley:

  • Added a couple more entries
  • More specific separation between categories
  • A bit of personalization in category headings.

I had to make the penguin a little smaller.
That’s how my fastfetch looks

If anyone is interested, here’s my

fastfetch config.jsonc
// created by swh

 { "$schema":
   "logo": {
                  "type": "auto",
   "source":  "/path/to/your/image/EOS.png",
     "padding": {
		"top": 8,
		"left": 2,
		"right": 2


   "display": {
        "separator": "  ->  "
  "modules": [
      "type": "custom",
      "format": "┌───────── \u001B[1mEat  , Sleep  , EndeavourOS  .\u001B[0m ─────────┐"
           "type": "custom", // SystemStart
           "format": "├─────────── \u001b[1mSystem Information\u001b[0m ───────────┤"
            "type": "custom", // SoftwareStart
            "format": "├─────────── \u001b[1mSoftware Information\u001b[0m ───────────┤"
      "type": "custom",
      "format": "└────────────────────── \u001B[1mThanks for fetching \u001B[0m─────────────────────────┘"
            "type": "colors",
            "paddingLeft": 26,
            "symbol": "circle"


Hi, gefällt mir sehr gut, habe mir deine config heruntergeladen.
Danke erst einmal, allerdings zeigt er mir eine Fehlermeldung an, vielleicht kannst
Du mir helfen es zu lösen, folgende Meldung:
Failed to load cookie file from cookie: Permission denied
Beste Grüße


Tut mir leid, der Fehler sagt mir nichts. Aber hast du fastfetch bzw. das System aktualisiert?

EDIT: Ich sehe gerade, das muss der zweite Monitor sein. Nimm die Zeile aus der Konfiguration oder #.

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Kannst du mir sagen welche Zeile das ist, Nummer ?