ETPS/2 Elentech Touchpad - Not Working after Endeavour OS fresh install and attempting to install package

I’m sorry you can’t get this working. Is there any bios update for this laptop?

I’m not sure. I’m checking.

What is the output of this command.

dmesg | grep -i elan

While it is working or when it isn’t working?

What do you mean it works sometimes? I didn’t know that. Just right now and let me know if it is or isn’t. I just want to see the output.

It works after a minute or so after it boots when not connected to power. If I connect it to the power cord the computer freezes after a few minutes.

For this session I had booted it when connected to power (but unplugged it) and have a mouse plugged in:
dmesg | grep -i elan
shows no output at all what so ever.

With power cord plugged in:
Warm Boot:_________________________ works, then freezes
Cold Boot: __________________________ doesn’t work
Wait 1 min with power cord
unplugged then plugging it in again:_______works then freezes

With power cord not plugged in:
Warm Boot:__________________________works
Cold Boot:___________________________doesn’t work
Wait 1 min. then Cold Boot
don’t plug it in afterward:________________works

Well the only thing i have for you to look over is this. You can make your own judgement on it.

Edit: The last post on this bug here was April 2020 on the 5.6.4-arch1-1 kernel

I will take a look at it. I really appreciate the help that you and the others have given me. It means a lot that you’ve chosen to spend your time and effort on this issue, and thanks. And as always I will let you know the result. :slight_smile:

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I have a SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad, and this solved my touchpad not working upon reboot.

Hi @Chronoshift
Did you solve your problem with the touchpad?
Will you please share what you did (if you solved it)
Thank you