Equivalent to pacui

I find pacui very handy in Manjaro, it’s a script that does the following:

  1. Requires one of the (5?) most common AUR helpers to be installed. Like yay for example. :slight_smile:
  2. Rank and synk mirrors.
  3. Install updates
  4. Remove cached packages older than 3 versions automatically during the process.

And more.

I know, I’m lazy, but it was very handy when running Manjaro Testing or Unstable to once a month run it instead of just yay -Syyu and it updated AND cleaned the system for you.

I’m gonna take a walk now. But please check reflector and paccache

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Oh I know. I just liked to have it as one command doing everything. But i guess I can create my own script :slight_smile:

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@Beardedgeek72 just use the pkgbuild :slight_smile: https://gitlab.manjaro.org/packages/community/pacui-git/blob/master/PKGBUILD or pacman -S pcurses :slight_smile:


Duh. Thanks.

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i use a paccache hooks from aur, i only keep 2 versions… what is older it removed there is one hook what i want , its informant :wink: it blocks update you have to read the news lolz

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