EOS option disappeared from windows boot menu

As the title says EOS option disappeared from windows boot menu and there is no grub menu whenever i start my pc this happened after i have installed EOS on one of the partitions(dual boot with windows). please help me

Welcome! Windows update screwed up things.

So what you need to do is take your EnOS live usb, reboot into it, run

arch-chroot and then

sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

EndeavourOS doesn’t appear in the Windows Boot Manager, rather Windows appears in the EnOS boot manager (GRUB).


Next time PLEASE do research first. Don’t be a help vampire. (Note: I’m not saying you are a help vampire)


Thanks for the reply, but I have tried everything and failed so I erased whole ssd and only installed EOS on whole disk:(.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a Linux only user!

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