EOS ascii logo for screenfetch

No such file or directory

yes you need to replace “scriptfile” with directory and name of your script :wink:

I got it. @joekamprad Thanks for taking time to help with this.


Both pull requests needs some changes, they want that we pull only the changes/adds …
I do not know yet how to do this…
I will have a look into this today, may @keith can check the comments too?

Do you have Neofetch installed? I do and i get the same warning. Also Neofetch does the same thing doesn’t it?

I did get the bug worked out, but I’m on the wrong machine at the moment. When I get time today, I’ll get on my other EOS and get back to you.


OK. @ricklinux The bug was fixed thanks to info from @cain, and the github-screenfetch site shows that they fixed it a s well.

Here they are on my machine. This is a fresh install of EndeavourOS from yesterday’s 9-15-16 ISO.

  • I installed neofetch and screenfetch
  • I installed MY build files. (The same files they have on github)
  • Here are the results:




@joekamprad I went and looked at the github neofetch and screenfetch files and what they said. I have no clue what they are complaining about. These are from THEIR build files.

Also, I am not a part of github anymore.

They sent this on 9-2-19, and I still haven’t heard back from them to this day.

Thank you for contacting GitHub Developer Support. We wanted to let you know that we've received your message and will get to it as quickly as possible.

They locked me out, and I WILL NOT BEG them to regain access. You folks like github, I DON’T.


I have the new ISO installed and it has the penguin. With screenfetch i get that same error message? And no color blocks.



@ricklinux The EndeavourOS screenfetch and neofetch files on github are still pending, not yet available.

The ones I used above are my build files.

They have the exact same files I built, but have not added them to their official release pending (?), so what you have are their current release files without EndeavourOS from screenfetch and neofetch.

1 Like

Their page shows that should be fixed. You’ll see it was closed 13 days ago.
…hmm Mine works, theirs doesn’t. :thinking:

Screenfetch :The pull request from killajoe is closed today without merging it to the master. How about a workaround for us?

I do not get into this yet … and I can see that there was a lot changes inside showing on diff.
So they want to have a request only with adding EOS …

Something new here ?
With my frsh install I see the penguin on my terminal.
A tip to make appear the Endeavour Logo ?

do you use neofetch ? screenfetch it does :slight_smile:

I do. I prefer neofetch at screen fetch.

there was upstream request to merge the ascii logo but stil didn’t applied.

Maybe they do it 3 days ago?
I can’t test, my main PC dosnt boot in live DE.

I mark EnOS with *** EndeavourOS ***

# NOTE: AIX, Alpine, Anarchy, Android, Antergos, antiX, AOSC,
#       Apricity, ArcoLinux, ArchBox, ARCHlabs, ArchStrike,
#       XFerience, ArchMerge, Arch, Artix, Arya, Bedrock, Bitrig,
#       BlackArch, BLAG, BlankOn, BlueLight, bonsai, BSD,
#       BunsenLabs, Calculate, Carbs, CentOS, Chakra, ChaletOS,
#       Chapeau, Chrom*, Cleanjaro, ClearOS, Clear_Linux, Clover,
#       Condres, Container_Linux, CRUX, Cucumber, Debian, Deepin,
#       DesaOS, Devuan, DracOS, DragonFly, Drauger, Elementary,
#       ***EndeavourOS***, Endless, EuroLinux, Exherbo, Fedora, Feren, FreeBSD,
#       FreeMiNT, Frugalware, Funtoo, GalliumOS, Gentoo, Pentoo,
#       gNewSense, GNU, GoboLinux, Grombyang, Guix, Haiku, Huayra,
#       Hyperbola, janus, Kali, KaOS, KDE_neon, Kibojoe, Kogaion,
#       Korora, KSLinux, Kubuntu, LEDE, LFS, Linux_Lite,
#       LMDE, Lubuntu, Lunar, macos, Mageia, MagpieOS, Mandriva,
#       Manjaro, Maui, Mer, Minix, LinuxMint, MX_Linux, Namib,
#       Neptune, NetBSD, Netrunner, Nitrux, NixOS, Nurunner,
#       NuTyX, OBRevenge, OpenBSD, OpenIndiana, OpenMandriva,
#       OpenWrt, osmc, Oracle, PacBSD, Parabola, Pardus, Parrot,
#       Parsix, TrueOS, PCLinuxOS, Peppermint, popos, Porteus,
#       PostMarketOS, Proxmox, Puppy, PureOS, Qubes, Radix, Raspbian,
#       Reborn_OS, Redstar, Redcore, Redhat, Refracted_Devuan, Regata,
#       Rosa, sabotage, Sabayon, Sailfish, SalentOS, Scientific, Septor,
#       SharkLinux, Siduction, Slackware, SliTaz, SmartOS, Solus,
#       Source_Mage, Sparky, Star, SteamOS, SunOS, openSUSE_Leap,
#       openSUSE_Tumbleweed, openSUSE, SwagArch, Tails, Trisquel,
#       Ubuntu-Budgie, Ubuntu-GNOME, Ubuntu-MATE, Ubuntu-Studio, Ubuntu,
#       Void, Obarun, windows10, Windows7, Xubuntu, Zorin, and IRIX
#       have ascii logos
            set_colors 1 5 4
            read -rd '' ascii_data <<'EOF'
${c1}                     ./${c2}o${c3}.
${c1}                   ./${c2}sssso${c3}-
${c1}                 `:${c2}osssssss+${c3}-
${c1}               `:+${c2}sssssssssso${c3}/.
${c1}             `-/o${c2}ssssssssssssso${c3}/.
${c1}           `-/+${c2}sssssssssssssssso${c3}+:`
${c1}         `-:/+${c2}sssssssssssssssssso${c3}+/.
${c1}       `.://o${c2}sssssssssssssssssssso${c3}++-
${c1}      .://+${c2}ssssssssssssssssssssssso${c3}++:
${c1}    .:///o${c2}ssssssssssssssssssssssssso${c3}++:
${c1}  `:////${c2}ssssssssssssssssssssssssssso${c3}+++.
${c1} `..-+${c2}oosssssssssssssssssssssssso${c3}+++++/`

Just copy the files configuration in /usr/bin/neofetch and it works ;o)

In a cleaner way? Just use neofetch-git until a new neofetch is available :slight_smile:

VirtualBox_EndeavourOS - VF_31_01_2020_16_39_30