Does Endeavour use skel to preserve user settings?

I really don’t know much about it other than what i see on their websites. I have trouble understanding his videos. :man_shrugging:

His videos are much easier to understand for me. I get lost in their websites. They’re a maze.

The git repos are also numerous, I had to search for a bit before finding the KDE settings

Yes it’s too much for me also. It’s hard to even understand how to just download their ISO and install. :woozy_face:

I see you’re not well informed… they have 42 ISOs

That’s kind of what i mean… :exploding_head:

Once installed and its default settings get applied, Arcolinux never overwrites user’s settings again. It would be a mess in tiling windows managers. It always put new settings on /etc/skel folder: you can “restore” them manually and overwrite your own.

Indeed, you need to take a lot of time to learn, but it’s rock solid. Erik developed a tool called arch-tweak-tool that can be used also in Endeavour. I foresee that someday he will be compelled to move everything into another team and get everything merged with another distro. But I’m not here to make his apology.

To be fair, this is what almost all distros do.

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I never worry about my settings as i don’t configure it in such a way so it’s not a problem.