Distrowatch Top 100

Version: 21.4
Rating: 4
Date: 2021-12-06
Votes: 0 With Atlantis, EndeavourOS is effectively turning itself into a point release, employing distro-specific changes that completely gut the reasons most users prefer a rolling release distribution. It’s nauseating.
Compared to vanilla EndeavourOS requires significantly more pacnew merging and manual intervention through upgrades due to middleman patches. Something that hasn’t been required on Arch since 10/23/2020.
What was once just another way to install close-to-vanilla Arch with an extra safety net and a pretty purple XFCE theme has become yet another rolling-but-not-really-rolling-based-release that will come and go within the next few years.

:sunglasses: :thinking: :right_anger_bubble: :hole: