Discussion regarding electronic IDs

Massive stretch. We saw what happens when there are no regulatory bodies to govern money with crypto: it becomes a wild, wild west.

I will agree that electronic IDs have its advantages and its disadvantages. Being extremist on both sides leads nowhere, though.

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A lot of articles out there like this one…

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It’s possible today to transact internationally, without banks, in near instant speeds, and in a way that is in some respects more like cash, not less.

If I want to pay you for your services in physical cash, that’s a direct transaction between you and me, no ruling authority or institution need be involved (aside from the obvious caveat that we’re exchanging in a national currency).

Many crypto can be used in similar manner, only now we’re not dealing with a mere national currency (and the shortfalls that entails).

That’s not to suggest banks aren’t needed though. Being able to transact is just one function provided by banks.

Keep saving your gold and silver folks! It’s been worth something for generations.


Not really impressed where this topic has gone and where it’s going from discussing Digital ID’s? :thinking:

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This must be the record for how fast a thread turns into :poop:

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Almost as fast as Spain apparently. That’s just unfathomably sad for those folks there.

This frankly sounds ridiculous and I like to believe it is ridiculous and untrue.


Next time you knock one out you can shout “Freedom!” if you believe that :ox: :poop: about a six month prison sentence :wink:

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That would be a very good idea. Start with the :ox: :poop:

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This must be a thread from an Alternative Universe :rofl:

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I don’t live there. And I’ve read a lot about what folks want to do in Europe - WEF and so on and I wouldn’t be surprised by most anything at this point. The control and non-sense is just on an epic level and I have never felt more sorry for people than I do these days, especially those who want it. I couldn’t imagine being that swindled and happily deceived.

Although the knuckle children prison sentence seems pretty out there.

There’s your problem right there. Keep your guns close to you, so that when us Europeans come over to force feed you :bug: you can blow us away :gun:


If anything they’ve ever said is even remotely true, I have to be very VERY skeptical of anything coming this way. It seems like very sound advice. Thank you!

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This thread is frankly just insanity.

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Must be very reassuring now when you know that you will never run out of fuel :wink:



This topic has gone off the rails so closing now!