Did something change with reboot notifications?

I’m curious if something has changed that I missed regarding reboot notifications after running updates that involve kernels?

I used to get these all the time, and only now it just hit me that I haven’t seen one for at least a month or two.

Running KDE 6 and have both mainline and lts kernels installed.

I’m not running KDE but have been getting reboot notices, one just yesterday.


Interesting… I’ll have to look into this deeper now that I know it’s just me.

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It’s working for me on Kde.


Ditto, but it only warns for the running kernel, so if I am running mainline and LTS updates, there is no warning. But, that being said, all kernels update all the time, so you should be getting notifications…


Can confirm.
I used to get a lot more too. Now I get close to none. I was told I could re-change the frequency in some .conf but I did not write any of that down.

I got a reboot notification on my update yesterday and seem to get one of those at least once a week. So they are not gone on KDE for me.

yeah got one for the new kernel yesterday, very surprised and happy btw, but the last 50 kernels nada.

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@Nomad - have you accidently silenced all notifications? There is a switch on the notification widget in the top left corner… I think.


Do not disturb toggle (picture from the web).

For the reboot notifications? Are you sure that isn’t the frequency of the update notifications?

Not sure of much these days :slight_smile:

Just tested with XFCE, KDE/x11 and KDE/wayland, and installing package linux (which I’m currently running) showed a notification to recommend a reboot.

Could be a problem with your notification stuff?

No reboot notification issues for me running KDE on my desktop.

I run Gnome and some minutes ago I updated my kernel and got that reboot notification.


Test if you are able to see notifications at all.

notify-send "test" "this a notification"

Notifications not silenced. Very strange as I receive notifications for other apps.

This works just fine. Also, email and messenger notifications work too.

I’m going to do some deep digging this weekend when I got more time. I know for sure something is going on because kernel updates absolutely used to at least once a week give me a reboot notification.

You could also check that files

  • /usr/share/libalpm/hooks/eos-reboot-required.hook
  • /usr/bin/eos-reboot-required2

are OK in your system. They include the main logic for the reboot notification.

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Mine mysteriously came back.
LXDE: never got nothing ever
Recent switch to Cinnamon: I get all the reboot notices.

Correlation (for me).

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Sounds like some library issue… Are you using AUR packages that override or replace any native package? Or some kind of update issue?