Dependency failed for device at boot

I see. I wonder if Timeshift can run with chroot because if GRUB is broken and we can’t select the snapshots then we only have chroot as the only option is to fix the underlying issue which can take longer to troubleshoot and fix vs restoring to pervious snapshot via btrfs-asssistant CLI …

@dalto one last question on /boot/efi

Question: How do I check which of this is my current boot entry? Can I delete others or it may harm something?

This is my current folder for /boot

and folder for /boot/efi


Thank you.

There is no reason to run btrfs-assistant from within the chroot. Why are you trying to do that? Run it from outside the chroot.

I ran btrfs-assistant -l outside chroot and same error message as above.

I guess what I am trying to do is restore to an earlier snapshot if my GRUB is broken in future and I can’t get into TTY. So I am thinking, well how else I can restore it?

So I am booting into liveiso and see if restoring is possible using btrfs-assistant CLI.

Just run btrfs-assistant from the menu.

sorry which menu? Like GRUB menu or TTY at login manager?

The whisker menu where the applications live. i.e. Just install Btrfs Assistant and launch it as you normally would.

Hi Dalto. I didn’t know you could install apps through liveiso.

So I mounted my drives and installed btrfs-assistant and when I try to restore, I get the following error message.

What am I doing wrong? My system took 3 snapshot with snapper-support automatically.

is it possible that BTRFS-Assistant is looking for a manual snapshot vs auto-snap?


Oh, the restore screen only shows if snapper is installed. Install snapper(you don’t need to configure it)

no luck even after installing snapper.

I even closed and reopen btrfs-assistant. I get error as above.


Are you using a custom layout for your snapshots?

Can I see sudo btrfs sub list /mnt

[liveuser@eos-2022.08.05 ~]$ sudo btrfs sub list /mnt
ID 257 gen 23292 top level 5 path @home
ID 258 gen 23292 top level 5 path @log
ID 259 gen 23082 top level 5 path @pkg
ID 381 gen 23294 top level 5 path @
ID 481 gen 23294 top level 5 path timeshift-btrfs/snapshots/2022-09-01_10-29-00/@
ID 492 gen 23295 top level 381 path .snapshots
ID 493 gen 23075 top level 492 path .snapshots/1/snapshot
ID 494 gen 23077 top level 492 path .snapshots/2/snapshot
ID 495 gen 23078 top level 492 path .snapshots/3/snapshot

EDIT: This was the layout installed as per July Archinstall script. I changed few fstab settings but nothing related to the layout.

Ahh…what are you taking snapshots of?

Am I misreading that or are you taking snapshots of the root of the partition instead of @?

What does sudo ls /mnt/.snapshots/1/snapshot show?

Just taking a snapshot of root subvol only…

[liveuser@eos-2022.08.05 ~]$ sudo ls /mnt/.snapshots/1/snapshot
bin   dev  etc	 lib	mnt  proc  run	 srv  tmp  var
boot  efi  home  lib64	opt  root  sbin  sys  usr

Oh…do you have @ mounted at /mnt?

Yup. @ subvol is already mounted.

Hmm…can you try something for me?

sudo umount /mnt and then mount the root of the partition(subvolid=5) at /mnt

Then see re-open btrfs assistant and see if the browse/restore drop down is populated.

getting error message when I try to unount

umount: /mnt: target is busy.

I did use sudo mount -o subvol=@ /dev/mapper/mycryptdevice /mnt initially to mount the @ subvol

Yes. That mounts the @ subvolume. I was hoping you could mount the root instead.