I hate to use the words delete
and kernel
in the same sentence, but since I use the LTS kernel, would there be any problem with deleting the other kernel? The non-LTS kernel always causes errors when I update my system.
linux 6.9.9.arch1-1 -> 6.10.arch1-2 <-- delete?
linux-api-headers 6.8-1 -> 6.10-1 <-- this too?
linux-headers 6.9.9.arch1-1 -> 6.10.arch1-2 <-- delete?
linux-lts 6.6.40-1 -> 6.6.40-2
linux-lts-headers 6.6.40-1 -> 6.6.40-2
Here is my uname -a to confirm:
at 08:28:07 > uname -a
Linux beast 6.6.40-1-lts #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon, 15 Jul 2024 09:23:08 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
More system info
OS: EndeavourOS x86_64
Kernel: Linux 6.6.40-1-lts
Uptime: 4 days, 12 hours, 5 mins
Packages: 1495 (pacman), 28 (flatpak), 62 (brew)
Shell: zsh 5.9
Display (LG SDQHD): 2560x2880 @ 60Hz *
Display (LG Ultra HD): 3840x2160 @ 30Hz
Display (LG Ultra HD): 3840x2160 @ 60Hz
DE: GNOME 46.3.1
WM: Mutter (X11)
WM Theme: Adwaita
Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
Icons: Qogir [GTK2/3/4]
Font: MonaspiceAr Nerd Font Medium (13pt) [GTK2/3/4]
Cursor: Qogir (24px)
Terminal: kitty 0.35.2
Terminal Font: ComicCodeLigatures-Regular (18pt)
CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i9-13900K (32) @ 5.80 GHz
GPU 2: Intel Arc A380 @ 2.45 GHz [Discrete]
Memory: 117.64 GiB / 125.50 GiB (94%)
Swap: Disabled
Disk (/): 198.99 GiB / 357.63 GiB (56%) - btrfs
Disk (/home): 375.51 GiB / 1.47 TiB (25%) - btrfs
Disk (/mnt/nvme): 1.27 TiB / 3.64 TiB (35%) - btrfs
Disk (/mnt/tank): 22.44 TiB / 42.16 TiB (53%) - zfs
Disk (/run/media/john/backup): 930.80 GiB / 931.51 GiB (100%) - btrfs
Local IP (eno1):
Locale: en_US.UTF-8