Definitely agree with his opinions

Not paranoid; simply care about privacy being the standard, and respect of people’s data being practised.


:100: and google is 90% of Firefox’s funding and trying to push and control the web more by the week. Any pushback on that can only be a good thing, such as not using google products. And, yes, people who care about privacy working together to safeguard/create is very important.


I understand paranoid there could have some negative connotations, but I meant it more in the sense of more-concerned-than-the-average-joe. I think everyone would say privacy is important but the individual who’s concerned about the mere existence of telemetry; despite the fact that it’s opt-in is on a completely different level than most people. Therefore, the discussion of whether privacy and respect of user data is being practiced is hard to have as the axioms of the two different groups are not alike at all.

Maybe there are more ‘average joes’ than we know i.e. some shun the internet entirely …there can be all differing degrees of people practicing not supporting a lack of privacy and respect. The more e.g. google tries to control the net and they and other big tech try to bring that into the real world, the more both the ‘average joes’ and those already paying attention to privacy/respect get active.

Telemetry is data and collection, and, as I said earlier, the pressure and criticism towards people if they don’t agree turns into more of the same, and more data collection. People’s data is something that has historically always been theirs … private. An unpleasant side of the internet now existing is that this kind of issue comes up, firstly due to big tech. It’s not a given that, just because far more is shared generally due to the internet existing, people should be willing to share what would normally never be shared. That’s being a puppet dancing to big tech’s tune.

A system existing, where there’s ‘opt-in’, is the thin end of the wedge, and involves a lot of trust, which the majority would argue isn’t realistic to do … it’s not as easy to know people well on the internet, or check the security of their site, etc, for the average user. And trust can’t exist when there is pressure and judgement at those who do not even want an ‘opt-in’ system to exist.

You say ‘mere telemetry’ and imply ‘most people’ don’t care about telemetry, as if those caring about privacy are a small irrelevant group. Not so. And you seem to be saying discussion about these issues can’t be bridged between the two groups. I’ve long been a believer that actions count the most … those who support privacy give time/energy to what does respect privacy, and, the more privacy becomes an issue (e.g. this year), the more people wake up to how important that is, and vote with their feet regarding not giving time/energy to e.g. big tech. Many times I see people leaving windows and/or google and facebook etc. Very rarely the other way.


Even if you are genuinely paranoid, that does not necessarily mean that you are wrong and that nobody is out to get you.


I think you’re probably assuming a judgement call on my part that doesn’t exist. In an attempt to clarify that I wasn’t trying to be judgmental, it seems that you’ve taken my explanation as further evidence of that :slight_smile: I’ll leave it at that as I don’t really have an interest in the privacy discussion going on.

I think you’ve removed some of your earlier post, as I did see the suggestion that it’s a small group that prefer privacy. Anyways. No problem.

Just to touch on this point, no, I didn’t edit my posts.

EDIT: In irony, I edited this one to correct post to posts :joy:


Not trying to push any disagreement here, but I’m not sure about that. There’s no way I’d feed back what I did in the main post if it hadn’t been there in the full post; I was reading through and responding to each part. I don’t go around feeding anything back in a post out of the blue. Unfortunately all that can be done is agree to differ.

I am guessing you extrapolated from my impyling that those that care about telemetry being a small group to those that care about privacy being a small group. It’s an easy mistake to make. While any edits made within the first 5 minutes are not recorded to my knowledge, they are after that period and you would’ve seen updates to that as your responses are well after my posts.

I’m not sure how I could read anything else into that, so not a mistake. People who care about not having telemetry are caring about privacy. I’m not sure if you’re a moderator, but respectfully I’ll have to leave it having a differing opinion, as you’ve said exists between those supporting privacy and those who don’t. Hopefully things can shift to a better state for privacy and discussion about it.

I’m not interested at this stage discussing privacy, I just wanted to make it clear I didn’t edit my post. I’ve quit jobs for expecting me to lie to customers so I just wanted to be very clear in the discussion that I was being honest that I didn’t edit my post. Whether or not there’s an interpretation difference about what I said, we’ll leave that; but as for the matter of whether I edited my post; that is not something I did and want it to be clear I’m being honest about that. Anyway, moving back onto topic…

I’ve always been known as honest to a fault, so can only repeat about having to differ in view, and hoping for better privacy, and discussion about it, at some point.

Okay, you just sent me a PM @alenbasic yet I had that facility turned off … so you’re a moderator?

Yes, it says it against my name with the icon… Apologies, I didn’t realise you had PMs turned off otherwise I would’ve respected that, but I didn’t want this topic to continue to go off the rails…Anyway if you don’t wish to respond that’s fine. My main interest is to get this thread back on topic.

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It doesn’t say moderator next to your name. I don’t want to continue. This isn’t a helpful discussion about privacy … my interpretation being ‘inconsequential’ as you said in the PM … and literally resulted in being sent a PM when I’d switched that off, proving the issues with privacy.

For those interested…



Moving on…


I didn’t know that meant that, and hadn’t got an answer earlier when I asked if you were a moderator.

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Sometimes our brain becomes over smart and connects things we hear, see or read . Just like hearing the words Apple , Banana , Grapes and recollecting after a while will include the word fruits for no reason . It’s not a bug in our brain , it’s a feature :rofl:

@anon96036739 I am not saying you are wrong or lying . Reading posts an be confusing sometimes , especially when people posting rapidly .


Oh, I thought you were saying it was obvious to see the telemetry/privacy issue as the same thing, as I was saying. I’ve maybe misunderstood, but thanks for thoughtfulness.