Dear Fellow Penguins

Dear Fellow Penguins,


I’m dissidenttux (“Cal”), and I am a hobbiest software developer looking to get into the field professionally. I am no stranger to this forum, the GNU/Linux operating system, and freedom software in general. I create software that I personally use, and it was GNU/Linux introduced me to that concept around 4 years ago. Ever since, I’ve been creating and customizing my software ever since, and slowly contributing back. Today is a further step towards contributing towards EndeavourOS, and the rest of the freedom software community at large!

Feel free to send inquires and ask questions. All contributions are welcome.


Okay. Will there be a follow up?

Nice Gitlab :smiley:

Thanks! :rofl:

Fun fact: I’m an avid Ubuntu Touch user btw Android and iOS btfo

waves flipper :wave:

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Hey mate hows it going, Welcome to the forum

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Welcome to the forum @dissidenttux :tada::balloon::partying_face:

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welcome at the purple fun :enos:
And … feel free to contribute to EndeavourOS xf86_64 or ARM development we are always in the need of some smart :brain: