Hello, I’ve been having issues using the TKG PDS kernel, on boot of the system I need to switch to tty1 and then back to tty7 to get it to show the login screen.
After that I need to start the NetworkManager since that gets disabled at boot (no idea why wasn’t doing it with stock)
As for your problem, please append dmesg and journalctl -u NetworkManager.service. Here’s a quick way for you to do it. Just copy paste the following in your terminal and post the output link here.
Right, I’ve ran the command and here is the output, http://ix.io/21Qk
Seems odd that this shows up after starting networkmanager up manually (systemctl start NetworkManager)
NetworkManager (version 1.26.0-1) is starting… (for the first time)
Ok so, you need to use the chaotic-aur’s nvidia drivers because apparently the normal nvidia driver does not support custom kernals, after using that it works using tkg pds, I haven’t tried on XFCE but it works for KDE.
sudo pacman -S chatic-aur/chaotic-nvidia-dkms-tkg
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
The chatic-aur version comes with patches for the nvidia drivers so that it can be used with custom kernels.
NetowkrManager is probably still buggy.