Current Best Practice Flatpack or Aur?

It does not, if the packager is either malicious or incompetent (the two main concerns when it comes to installing software). It merely gives the user false sense of security.

The biggest advantage of the AUR is that you build the packages yourself (according to a recipe posted by someone online), so you can know exactly what goes in the package, assuming you care to know. If you don’t care to know, then this advantage of the AUR is completely lost to you.

With Flatpaks and AppImages, you have no idea what is packaged in them – you trust the packager.

With snaps, there is no uncertainty: snapd itself is malware, so even if individual snaps are safe (which may not be the case, there have certainly been cases of malware hidden in snap packages), the utility that installs, updates, and runs them, snapd, is not safe.