Congratulations! and a question

I love seeing a user friendlier Arch based distro and congrats to all the progress.
As a Manjaro user and not having used Arch as a daily driver, and needing 24-7 uptime for work, is arch and eventually EOS realistic? I don’t mean this as a slight at all. I understand the difficulties with keeping a distro on the edge of development. I am more interested in Arch user experiences with day to day usage.
Thanks and I look forward to EOS continued success.

2 years used Mint Mate. Then 1.5 year used Mint Cinnamon.
I decided to try Antergos, and for several months I can’t understand how I used something else :blush:
I can not call myself an “experienced” user of Arch based distributions, but I do not experience any problems in my daily work. Yes, there may be some difficulties, but they are solved very quickly.
As it seems to me, having some experience with other Linux distributions, you should not worry about the “difficulties” Arch

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@343041 Like many, I came from the Debian/Ubuntu/Mint world starting circa 2006; transitioned to Antergos several years ago; learned enough using Antergos as my daily driver on multiple machines to build a pure Arch system on my own. My feedback for what it’s worth:

I’m a specialty practice lawyer (US). I have run my entire law practice on Antergos and Arch Linux for at least the last 3 years. Although I don’t want to jinx myself, I have had no occasion to have to reinstall a deployed system; my systems are rock-solid-stable in a deadline-sensitive production environment; I update at least once/week, but keep an eye on the message boards, user forums, etc. to spot potential update problems in advance. I couldn’t be happier.

Benefits: Not having to reinstall a production system that has reached EOL, as required in the Debian world. I have access to specialty software that I need via AUR (but, please, be careful with this–especially if you aren’t familiar with the AUR) and without having to link a plethora of PPAs/ 3rd party repos. I have found Arch/ Antergos to be as rock solid (more, actually) as any other Linux architecture I have used over these 13 or so years.

Although I would not purport to speak for Bryan, Joe, and the rest of the EndeavourOS team, my understanding is that an EndeavourOS installation will be, perhaps, somewhere between Antergos and a pure Arch system. I expect nothing but continued, excellent performance and stability.

All of that being said, Arch can sometimes be a beast that requires an investment of time, energy, and knowledge. That’s where I always found the Antergos community so strong—much more helpful on average (IMHO) than I found in the pure Arch forums.

My 2-cents. Hope it helps.


@bkaplan, powerful endorsement. In my fumbling through various distros, I have come to feel equally positive towards a user-friendly version of Arch. Antergos fit that category extremely well. (Manjaro takes a slightly different approach, but has earned a close position.) EndeavourOS appears headed toward earning, in my view, top recommendations.

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Thanks for the feedback. Having been on Manjaro for over a year I guess I am looking for differences between the two. This is probably hard to find people familiar with both since there seems to be two sides of the arch world and rarely do they meet.
What are the major differences between EOS and Manjaro?

Manjaro holds back Arch updates and releases them in a bulk afterwards, after they also tinkered with some apps and packages.
We roll simultaneous with Arch, this means packages and software get faster updated, but this also means that not entirely working updates can enter your system.
This may sound horrible to you now, but I can tell you from experience that an Arch update breaking the system is very rare and in that rare occasion it will happen, either Arch or we will inform you on what to do or how to downgrade if necessary. Next week our Wiki will also be live with extremely useful pointers to get you in the right direction running Arch.


Using an Arch based (rolling distro) is definitely ok as a daily driver (main PC).
I had to get out of breakages a few times, but it was nothing I couldn’t solve by googling on my phone (as the only other connected device I had available).
In case you are nervous about not being able to get back into your machine in case of a bad update, just have a live USB drive ready, so you can just continue your work if said crash is not precisely good timed :smiley: Then you can go about repairing the system when you have the time for it. It might never happen to you or might happen once or twice a year. Usually you get good help on the forum here if you get stuck.

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I use it as my daily driver and it is very stable. I’ve used Ubuntu as well and I don’t think Arch is any less stable. The issue with rolling release is that occupationally an update will break something, so don’t update right before a meeting :slight_smile: Honestly my system is hardly ever down, but theo ccational instability is the price for having an up to date system

Thanks for the info.
Any sense what the lag is between Manjaro and Arch prime?

never really used Manjaro, but I do know that they take the packages from Arch and do additional testing before releasing them. I’ve heard it can be a few weeks, although security related updates are supposed to come out very quickly

I’ve heard sometimes it’s just waiting out instead of testing. Simply delaying packages release and seeing if upstream bugs are being reported on them.