Command Line Menu Driven Cheat Sheet, Does it Exist?

is clear to me, i reply only to pebcak’s comment :wink:


Here’s the app!!! Very handy!


Yep, got that on my phone & bookmarked on Firefox! :laughing:

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Arch wiki = Free!

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sudo give a command! :wink:


Wow! You’ve maybe just saved the OP 5000 Euros!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


the app costs 5000€, you can buy it by @petsam, maybe he will give a discount :rofl:

Thanks everyone for your comments. From what I have read, there are some tools available but it does not appear that there is anything exactly inline with what I was hoping to find. Again, I know I can look things up in a browser or on my phone. My point is there are times when that isn’t always convenient to do. I feel that having an easy to access tool straight from the CLI would be a great way for me to effectively start learning and using these commands. Essentially what I am looking for is a “cheat sheet” for the command line that is accessible on the command line.

There are many useful “top x linux commands” cheat sheets all over the internet. I just thought there would be something easily downloaded and accessed through the command line itself.

I guess the next step is to have the tool built. Should I actually get that done, I will be sure to post back here with the results so others can benefit.


The “closest” thing perhaps for now with internet connection:

sudo pacman -S links


I strongly suggest using rofi.

Is rofi easy to customize in such a way?

You may test it in EnOS bspwm ISO/installation, or … look for YT videos with rofi/dmenu

Thanks! I’ll check out some vids. I’m not into doing VM stuff, I prefer bare metal, less hoops to jump through but hey, each to their own! My “spare” machine at the moment is being used for other stuff. I like rofi though, I use it on my KDE desktop. It’s not actually necessary but it uses so little memory that it seems quite neat.

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