Change avatar su plasma

Lately on plasma I could not do the change of my avatr, I found the solution on:
if I can be of help I put the solution.

Until the developer’s fix it, this is reported to work:
The issue is with the service file for AccountsService:
sudo nano /usr/lib/systemd/system/accounts-daemon.service
this is set to
setting it to:
and reboot will solve it


ha ha i have done reverse engineering on that already it seems :wink:

@dano46 It should be fixed by now with the latest version of accountsservices package.

It’s not fixed on mine. I had to edit the file again as the new update just set it back to original. I have version 22.07.5-1 accountsservice.


Aha, another kde bug :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: