Cassini, packed with new features, is here

Yes @Balder
systemd-boot is really amazing. I have used it for some time after the problems we had with Grub.
Unfortunately systemd-boot does not support booting from snapshots.
Fortunately and unfortunately (yes, both), I could make a hook to automatically run the Grub things in case needed. I say unfortunately because I really liked systemd-boot as it boots much faster and it just works.

I really hope someone can tinker with systemd-boot and make it possible to boot from snapshots. It is software after all.

I remember there was an issue when I used systemd-boot, the snapshots were there but I could not find a way to restore.

About Cassini and its features, I really want to thank all of the team for the great work. Amazing as usual.


Great work!

I am putting the links here hopefully it can help someone interested.

So satisfied and happy actually.
I am up to date with the EndeavourOS developments.
Keep up the great work!
:+1: :tada: :partying_face: :heart_eyes:

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There is no greater joy than when a person manages to solve something, even with help. :slight_smile:

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Yeah that is what I meant. It was naming that was confusing for me. As a rolling release is something that always changes and the ISOs installers are just random snapshot of that in my mind. Still It makes sense now that I look at it that there should be something like updating the ISO file and naming it.

Think of it this way:

EndeavourOS is like an ongoing book with new pages being added to it each day. The ISO releases are like the chapters of the book. Each chapter marks a particular point in a book so that they can be used as reference points when discussing the book’s contents. Most of the time, book chapters have titles; if the ISOs are chapters, then their names (Cassini, Artemis, etc.) are merely the chapter titles.

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ISO is a system creator and rescue tool.
It includes also a system snapshot used for offline installs, but the default online install will create the install from scratch fresh of the repos.

The release names inform about the state of the install process. As this is what EndeavourOS us developing with the ISO.


Someone somewhere on another boat in northwestern Europe just “reviewed” this distro and doesn’t like it…

If you hurry now it’s one of the first topics seen without having to scroll to the bottom. But you might have to skim through the topic a bit toward last week. :laughing: Likes “virtual box” which I think is the greatest problem.

Yea reviews should not be good ones only… and they are always personal and that’s :+1:
In the end there is something to take into account more in the bad ones.

And it is totally normal to not understand how something work or why it is set in a certain way.
EndeavourOS is different to most distros on some core points. It is about your personal endeavour on managing your personal setup.

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But that “review” was from a demanding lad.

  • Samba. Switched out of KDE because of it. :rofl:
  • GNOME Terminal black-on-white “problem”
  • OpenBox and i3wm being “too hard”
  • Annoyed OpenBox not available in installer because he had to get away from Plasma.

I don’t know, but he should have tried to install it somewhere rather than running it off VirtualBox. Maybe if he came around to checking out the forums here, like I did just now, he probably would have never tried EndeavourOS due to the Samba issue.