Can't uninstall unused drivers

I have installed EndeavourOS and is using an AMD GPU (intergrated graphics tho) and I want to uninstall nvidia stuff since I don’t need them, as well as amdvlk cuz I think I don’t need it if I already have mesa. But when I try to uninstall them, it just returns that the packages aren’t found, even tho they are installed
Maybe I do actually need amdvlk but if I read the arch wiki correctly then no, and I definitly don’t need any nvidia stuff

Where are you seeing that they’re installed, and what is the command you’re trying to use to uninstall them that reports they aren’t found?

Well I use a cmd that use pacman and fzf to list all my package, and uninstalling them with yay -Rns, tho I’m realising that pacman -Q doesn’t detect them either, even tho I remeber each time I tried it never uninstalled them and I think they’re included in the base Endeavour install

Please paste in the actual terminal outputs for the commands that you’re using, it would be much easier to see what you’re talking about :slight_smile:

FWIW turning back to the other half of your question, as far as I’m aware mesa only provides OpenGL support for AMD GPUs, you also require amdvlk in tandem for anything that requires Vulkan rendering.

Do you have a Nvidia card to have the drivers installed? By default, they aren’t installed, to my knowledge.

What is this command?

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Huh I thought they was, unless I read the endeavour install page wrong
btw it’s this yay -Slq | fzf --multi --preview "yay -Si {1}" | xargs -ro yay -S, it does show them for some reason, it’s supposed to list installed package accord to who i got it from

You could just do pacman -Qs nvidia and see what it outputs, I believe. pacman already has the capability to show you what packages are installed or not. No need for complicated pipes.

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That means I probably read the arch wiki wrong somehow, maybe I mixed it up with another amd package that’s isn’t needed or sum
btw it’s this cmd yay -Slq | fzf --multi --preview "yay -Si {1}" | xargs -ro yay -S

That command is using fzf to search and list every package available in the repos, not showing you packages that are installed on your system. Whoever gave it to you unfortunately misunderstood what you were looking for or simply doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about :slightly_smiling_face:

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welp just says I have libvdpau so maybe I’m just stupid

Dam so it was that, I kinda wasted y’all times here I’m sorry

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No problem. You didn’t waste anybody’s time, really. If you don’t know something, better to just ask than assume.


VDPAU is an API that works on both AMD and Nvidia cards, actually. It is developed by Nvidia, but it is now developed alongside them.

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Echoing @winnyace , it’s never a waste if you’ve learned something :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, I’m not fully used to Endeavour yet cuz it’s my first time using so I didn’t what exactly it installed but I remember seeing sumthing about nvidia drivers on the download pages. I mostly installed this os cuz I’m already used to arch on my main computer but needed sumthing easy to install for my laptop (plus Endeavour looks cool ngl)
But thanks a lot :3

