Can't reach certain websites

BRO, who knew, you can’t block half of internet, especially stuff like google cache servers and ECH, without consequences of breaking some other random stuff, which they don’t care about!
Or some KGB boyz jsut plain don’t like Arch Linux!!!
Maybe they’re fans of Ubuntu or some sheeeit! :boom:

Dat checker checker site reports them boyz like Ubuntu more :man_facepalming:t6:

You mean dat :clown_face: My views towards swear words - #16 by litrixxxus HAHAH?!
Bro…absolute legend, even for random lurkers like myself, sure as sheeit he’d inject some laughing stock of :clown_face: :earth_africa: emojies in here by now as well as some pro-freedom rants!!
It ain’t fun here without them :clown_face: and grumpy :frog:, dat’s for sure.

PEACE! :call_me_hand:t6:

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