Can I compile extra modules for the kernel without recompile the whole kernel via makepkg?


Happy EndeavourOS user here. Thanks for this great distro.

So I used modprobed.db to collect kernel moduels I use.
Then I would do paru -G kernel-aur-pkg, edit the PKGBUILD file to specify the modprobed database path. Then do makepkg -si to build and install the kernel.

However time to time I have new usb stuff and devices come into use, and one or two new modules need to be compile. Is there a way to just compile the new modules only, adding to the kernel package and install, without compile the whole kernel everytime?

Thank you.

That is only possible with the kernel binaries, such as packages core/linux. If you’re compiling the kernel from source then you will have to rebuild it as I assume the kernel provided by arch is not the exact same as upstream.

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Thanks, with modprobed-db and let the PKGBUILD file to use it, its no longer a bad task to do anyway.