Call for testing BTRFS Assistant

Before installing the system, to have the suggested filesystem for snapper, that is required for snapper-rollback to function, we separate @snapshots from @ editing the mount.conf file as showed above.

When you boot, there will be a @snapshots mounted, it’s already in fstab because calamares inserted it there during the install.
So, we need to umount it, delete the directory so we can run snapper config again.
Snapper create-config automatically creates a subvolume .snapshots with the root subvolume @ as its parent, that is not needed for the suggested filesystem layout, and can be deleted.
After deleting the subvolume, recreate the directory /.snapshots, and this directory will be used to store the root snapshots and will no longer be parent of @

All this process will make all snapshots that snapper creates be stored outside of the @ subvolume, so that @ can easily be replaced anytime without losing the snapper snapshots.

And for snapper-rollback to be able to run, is all it needs

PS: sorry for my English, not my native language

Okay i get most of it. The English conversion is fine. This setup works great. Why won’t @daltos tool just work with it?

Not using conversion… That is entire on me… :slight_smile:

I don’t know, but he knows best… So far, 99% of the things I learned were from him…
So he probably has a good reason to not use it, but I don’t know…

To not use what?

So you speak English then! :wink:

That’s about right! & 1% from me! :rofl:

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This method with his tools, I suppose he knows a better way of doing it without needing to change the layout.

Yeap :slight_smile: My mother forced me to learn, and it was a war with her, it was during my favorite thing in the TV…

:slight_smile: exactly

So the default install that Calamares does isn’t creating a /.snapshots directory. So are you saying his tool will work with the standard Calamares install of btrfs?

The default install doesn’t create snapshots folder or subvolumes, that is created when you configure snapper.
Snapper create-config automatically creates a subvolume .snapshots with the root subvolume @ as its parent.
What we did was to just change this behavior to use the @snapshots we asked calamares to create.

Regarding Dalto’s app, according to him, we need to remove snapshots from fstab e put snapshots nested again, but it’s better to speak with him as he knows better of course.

This is complicated when just trying to think about it. What does calamares create then. It doesn’t create any subvolumes? I gotta look at this again just to understand what it’s doing.

Calamares creates @home @log @ @cache @log
Snapper creates snapshots

The reason for that is because my application doesn’t require any special naming conventions like almost all other tools do. I don’t care if your root is called @ or root or monkey7. You can name it whatever you want.

However, when I restore a snapshot, I have to know where to restore it to. Since I don’t force you to name root @, how can I figure that out? The only I could answer I could find is to simply look at whatever .snapshots is inside of. This works fine unless you don’t nest .snapshots.


Understood the reason for that now…
Nice indeed…
It would be nice to see this tool in the next ISO, with a tab in the welcome-app

Also, the tool handles anything that needs to be moved as a result of the restore transparently.

I know your explaining this but I’m having difficulty understanding what you are saying because i don’t think like you. You are explaining it as you think about it. But because i don’t really understand it exactly it’s difficult to comprehend. It’s like a foreign language and i’m only understanding pieces. As an example the Calamares install gives me this without changing anything.

[ricklinux@rick-virtualbox ~]$ lsblk
sda      8:0    0   18G  0 disk 
├─sda1   8:1    0  300M  0 part /boot/efi
├─sda2   8:2    0  9.3G  0 part /home
│                               /var/cache
│                               /var/log
│                               /
└─sda3   8:3    0  8.4G  0 part [SWAP]
sr0     11:0    1  1.9G  0 rom  
[ricklinux@rick-virtualbox ~]$ 

So these are in / (nested) but are not subvolumes? Correct?

Really nice, no need to move snapshots folder from @old to @…
As far as I understood, it works similar to snapper-rollback, but it’s easier to use, more granular and complete, with a GUI and all…

The opposite, they are not nested but they are subvolumes.

Looking at it doesn’t make sense to me. I see / and then the others are inside of root. So what is the @ for then?

Those are just mountpoints. A nested subvolume is literally inside another subvolume.

You can’t see nesting that way. You see nesting with sudo btrfs subvolume list /

Isn’t that the same thing. They are nested inside of / :thinking: