Calamares encrypted Installation error

Yo, I can’t install endeavour with encryption due to calamares just disabling all USB devices while installing.
Any way of installing endeavour without calamares?

This is the issue:

It is not really possible to install without Calamares.

You can install Arch, add the EOS repo and then install the EOS packages.

However, if the resultant system would really be EOS or not would be questionable.

You would likely have a lot of differences between that system and a real EOS system.

What should I do then? Arch, for some reason has kernel panics every 5 mins. Endeavour OS works perfectly fine, but I cannot install it encrypted.

It seems you try to install EOS on an external USB device.
Is it possible to get the drive in your computer as an internal drive, just for installation, and then put it back in the external case?
Or to set up a VM, save a partitionimage from the VM-installation and write that image on your external drive?

Sadly both options not possible, I don’t have enough space for the image and I can’t open the drive case.
Seems like I am out of luck ):

Or should first make it small, and then when its running resize the encrypted partition?

If installing unencrypted works, I think it would be easier to do an unencrypted install into a small partition, then created an encrypted partition and sync the data into it with rsync.

Then you could chroot into the new system, update /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab and then rebuild the initramfs.

Then you could delete the unencrypted partition.

You seem to have two options at the moment:

like @dalto recommended you could make a small unencrypted installation to usb and add the encryption afterwards, or

like @Omig suggested, make a temporary small encrypted installation (probably 7-10GB ?) to a VM and clone this to your usb partition. Afterwards you would only need to grow the luks partition and after that enlarge the filesystem (ext4, btrfs, …)

Both are viable options. I’d personally prefer option #1 but this involves a lot of command-line work whereas #2 could mostly be done through GUI’s.

Hey thanks for the help.
I actually figured out, the bug doesn’t happen when I use “replace partition with endeavour”, so i manually created an efi and a main partition, and could install through that.

So you just need to manually create an efi and a main partition before using calamares? That’s an easy fix, :slight_smile:

You can’t select swap in calamares then, but not a problem to just create a swap file after install.

The difference is probably that erase disk writes a new partition table to the disk where replace doesn’t.

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