Building an AUR package that has AUR dependencies

On any new EOS/arch system I build, one of the first things I install is an AUR package called mythtv-git. I use yay -S mythtv-git to accomplish this.

I’ve never been able to build this without yay since a lot of the dependencies are also AUR packages. However, now I’m in a situation where I need to patch the software manually prior to building it.

I’m guessing I can use yay as before and wait until it fails and then patch it in the .cache/yay/mythtv-git directory and then makepkg from there.

Any better way??

Adding --editmenu to yay options allows you to edit the PKGBUILD prior to making the package.

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yes that would work if the PKGBUILD file is what I need to patch. I have to patch some files related to the new version of some ffmpeg files. What I do now is go into the .cache/yay/mythtv-git directory and put in the libx265.patch file and run the following commands.

makepkg -o
patch -d src/mythtv/ -p1 < libx265.patch
makepkg -ef
makepkg -i

You apply the patch in the PKGBUILD. That is the correct way to patch sources.

Here is a PKGBUILD that applies a patch if you need an example.

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thanks, I’ve got a lot to learn about PKGBUILD.