This is very very nice, thank you for sharing. I got it running on my set up. Just a note for others that might give it a try, it needs fzf installed as well. A simple yay fzf does the trick, but it wasn’t something I had already and it took me a little bit to figure it out.
Create the script, make it executable, then edit the bspwmrc (to handle the window correctly) and sxhkdrc (to make it pop up when you hit super+F1) files. Make sure it’s using whatever terminal you want, probably a second one. I use xfce4-terminal as my main one and set up termite for this. Also, make sure the path in the script file is correct, I had to edit it slightly.
first install fzf
pacman -S fzf
open a text editor an copy and paste
change cat ~/.config/bspwm/sxhkd/sxhkdrc to your sxhkdrc folder
all my file are in ~/.config/bspwm
I had already switch over to I3 but I’m trying to understand some of these things. Not easy for me. I’m trying to understand also the big difference between i3 and Bspwm. I know the tiling is slightly different and some keybindings. I like both of them and they work well. But I’m trying to understand what the significant difference is.
basic config so i3wm and bspwm can do almost the same thing.
but after I learned the most basic of bspwm then I thought bspwm is easier to set up. In my opinion