Bspwm edition

Raspberry Pi 4b 4GB - 32 bit OS on USB SSD 256GB - 1360x768 resolution


As one can see in the upper right corner, I have both bspwm and i3 installed.
I tried to add Sway to the mix, got a conflict between lxappearance & lxappearance-gtk3
Is there any work around for this, or is it strictly one or the other?



had same conflict. i just replace lxappearance-gtk3 . no big problem so far


:pray: Thank you. I replaced lxappearance-gtk3 with lxapprearance and Sway then installed. :grin:

All three are now working. As long as one doesnā€™t want to change the theming, it should be OK. However, I donā€™t know what the consequences will be down the road when some updates come in.

Now I can easily compare the three and make a decision. Right now I am kind of leaning towards Sway just a little.



Thanks everyone for trying out the bspwm config and sharing your views :pray:

@OdiousImp Iā€™ll have added a launch script for polybar that will take care of refreshes.

@Shjim I wanted to stick with default keybindings. They are very different form i3wm keybindings. I wouldā€™ve liked to change it, but I just wanted the defaults.

Thank you @Shjim
I donā€™t want to remove the sys tray, because it shows many useful icons. Like flameshot, minimized applications etc. I will add those on-click scripts.

Edit : @OdiousImp I want to add the click on cpu module to launch a *top application. But afaik we are not bundling any such package as of now. Would you like to add any such package? :thinking:

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I remember a while back joe saying Lxapperance-gtk3 didnā€™t work on sway so thats why I went with the old one. If it works I can always use the gtk3 one too!

you add htop I did for the sway. You can also you the preinstalled oneā€¦@Shijim what is it called I forgot?

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will need testing, but it was the case that the gtk3 version does not start at all on sway

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glances you mean?

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I can take care of picom too. Been adding that bling to my i3 screenshots since forever :laughing:

Iā€™ll add bind CPU module click to glances.

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Pacman will not allow both lxappearance and lxappearance-gtk3 to be installed at the same time. If you try, pacman will blow the whistle, call a ā€˜conflicting packagesā€™ foul, and ask if you want to replace one or keep the other, but not both.

So we need to keep lxappearance and NOT add lxappearance-gtk3.
So for bspwm we need lxappearance-gtk3.


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Sorry! I didnt too as in both. I meant we use the gtk3 one in sway as well. Thats is better one. We want the gtk3 one over the gtk2 right? Ill check the gtk3 one works on sway.

You have me wrong. I no say remove tray :upside_down_face: just small useful options that good for both users :blush: Going trayless no for everyone :wink: We all different + there no right or wrong way :+1:


Hmm. Okay. I decided to add only a click on cpu module to start glances and right click on volume module to launch pavucontrol.

I like people who understand this. Thanks :pray:


It turns out polybar cannot have click events on Cpu/memory modules. To have them clickable, Iā€™ll need to write a script that gives me the output, since text modules are clickable.

Right click on volume module works fine. It opens pavucontrol.


okā€¦ this one work (use if you want )

type = custom/script
exec = ~/polybar-scripts/
interval = 10
format-prefix ="ļ›¢ "
format-prefix-foreground =#69acbf
click-left = " exec termite -e nmtui "

vpn="$(nmcli -t -f name,type connection show --order name --active 2>/dev/null | grep vpn | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 1)"

if [ -n "$vpn" ]; then
	echo "ļ€Œ"
	echo "ļ€"


might find helpful.


please PR to if you do changes :dizzy:


Sure :+1:

@Shjim Thanks for the link. Iā€™ll see what can be done. :pray:


i just give ideaā€¦ it your bar ! so no use if you not feel needed ā€¦ :+1:

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;label-connected =%signal%%
label-connected = %{A1:nm-connection-editor:}%signal%% %{A} :innocent:


label-connected = %{A1:termite -e nmtui &:} %signal%% %{A}


;label = %percentage:2%%
label = %{A1:termite -e htop &:} %percentage:2%% %{A}

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