I recently found out about preselect feature in bspwm, where we can change the arrengement setup for a new window, is it possible to change the layout after opening windows?
For example changing this:
To this:
I recently found out about preselect feature in bspwm, where we can change the arrengement setup for a new window, is it possible to change the layout after opening windows?
For example changing this:
To this:
Hold Ctrl + Left-click and move the windows around. There’s also a shortcut.
Also, the manual has everything you need: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Bspwm
And here: https://www.mankier.com/1/bspwm
And a third: https://man.archlinux.org/man/bspwm.1
Holding Ctrl + Left-click doesn’t work for me. If I hold Super and click and drag windows I can swap their place, but I have already have keybinding for that.
Unfortunately there is not much documentation for it. I am not that new to this WM, I have my setup for a while and it works very well. I think Changing the layout is nowhere in archwiki. Bspwm is great , but it needs programming via bash and piece together functionalities we need , I was hoping someone already figured it out here. It is not something to easily find out via 2 minuter googling.
Yes, I meant to say Super, not Ctrl.
Sounds like you need to use a search engine that uses AI or a chatbot, then.
Gave you two links by the way.
Hey @ArchieeE ,
diff sxhkdrc sxhkdrc1
# rotate the parent until its children are at the desired position
super + {_,shift + }e
bspc node '@parent' -R {_,-}90
My test is the following:
Thank your very much, that is just what I was looking for.
I also find this , which looks to be useful in its own right. But it is acting a bit weirdly for me. I am not sure if it is buggy or I am not got the hang of it yet.
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