Browser still uses Thunar to open folders after I switched to Nemo

Yep, did it via the GUI thing, edited files manually, right clicked > open with > set as default.

Did all of that, it’s all pointing to Nemo, but for whatever reason, if there’s that thunar service running, the browser will use thunar no mater what.

In the end having an autostart for “thunar -q” wasn’t enough, the service started anyway, maybe it was being started after the command ran? not sure.

What I ended up doing, (and it’s a very “hacky” thing) was a simple script:


thunar -q
$1 $2

Threw it inside bin, then edited the launchers for the browsers and just added the script at the beginning of the command, so it kills thunar if it’s running and then launches the browser.

I tried just putting “thunar -q && librewolf” in the launcher command, but that doesn’t work, even though it works if done in the terminal

systemctl --user status | grep -i thunar
           │ └─thunar.service
           │   └─41223 /usr/bin/Thunar --daemon
systemctl --user status thunar.service
● thunar.service - Thunar file manager
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/user/thunar.service; static)
cat /usr/lib/systemd/user/thunar.service
Description=Thunar file manager


A D-BUS service, so yes, it’s a PITA. :frowning_face:

Disable “Show icons on desktop”, in Desktop (IIRC) settings GUI.

Maybe try emptying (or adding a foo service) in SystemdService entry, apart from the Exec entry in the DBus file. :person_shrugging: :face_with_head_bandage:

Edit: I don’t know how you test your workarounds, but I guess you need to reboot before each test.
Also, check this about overriding dbus services.

Yeah I’m just not using the desktop for that stuff, never did much anyway, I prefer to keep launchers in the panel.

I have the icons for Home and mounted drives/partitions and that’s it.

Maybe try emptying (or adding a foo service) in SystemdService entry, apart from the Exec entry in the DBus file.

Huh, yeah I guess that could work

Imma check that :slight_smile: thx