Best Approach for transformation from ext4 to BTRFS including replacement of rsync-backups

Wait what… That makes things WAY more easily. So I just create a subvolume via “sudo btrfs subvolume create /home/milkytwix/Games/” and I am good to go, snapshots of /home will not secend into it and everythings fine? Really that simple? Asking for a friend, ofc…

Because I wans’t aware of the question (and answer above) I planned to mount “games” from the “outside”, so to speak. But this is not required.

Understood, again: Maiking things easier!

Well… I will go with the first, because… no descending into nested subvolumes :wink:

Well again: no descending makes things WAY more easier :wink:

Well, I definately want this:
And because snapper is included in BTRFS-Assistant I intended to use it as well… can I have grub snapshots without timeshift? Including auto-generated ones after updates? Because I just love that feature.

Understood! The next questions are just out of curiosity:
Why don’t you use them? How do you avoid them being created during install?


I already use snapshot replication for the backup of my NAS, that won’t be an issue. My original plan was to use ZFS on root (Remember? Another "Help, migrating from Manjaro" topic - #2 by dalto ), so I will stick to ext4 for the time being on my non nvme drives and slowly convert them to ZFS.

The first part was the interesting (I was asking for the technical implementation, not the backup concept, sorry for asking in an unprecise manner). My backup concept is: Data on NAS, local Data is copied to NAS, together with backups of /home and stuff. NAS gets nightly backupped to secondary NAS (which resides in the garage), and Monthly backupped to a Harddisk which rotates to my sister.
Coming back to “how you do it”: I will read into rclone and borg and try to find something suitable, thank you VERY much!