Beginner's Quick Start Guide to Endeavour OS Bspwm Edition

Cough: Yeh that was my fault! Sorry!

The list is just the sxhd file…

Here is a video that explains how BSPWM handles windows. Start at 4:00 to get to the good stuff on Tab management as bspwm calls it.

What interests me is say you have one Tab that vertically uses half the screen. Then in the other half you can make 4 tabs. The four tabs on the right will be 1/8 of the screen each.

Now if I understand the video correctly, and I haven’t had time to play with this yet, you can work in the left half window and view the other 4 tabs on the right. These 4 tabs are a little small to really work in. In bspwm, you can switch any of the four small windows to the left hand 1/2 screen and the original tab will be moved to one of the small 1/8 screen windows. Now you have 1/2 screen to work in. When finished with that tab, you can move any of the 1/8 screen tabs to the half screen and work in it. Hope that makes sense.

I am definitely not an i3 wm expert, but I don’t think you can do that in i3. Correct me if I’m wrong.


corrected a typo. It had to be a typo as I never mispell anything. :innocent:

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Not out of the box. If you install the autotiling package from the AUR it will follow basically the same line as bspwm in i3. It’s one of my alltime favorite packages.


I am a little bit familiar with i3, so i3wm and autotiling from the AUR just might be the way to go.

Mmmm…I wonder if there is anything like autotiling for Sway, or if autotiling will work with Sway?

The ability to do what I described in my above post will be a BIG factor in which one I try to learn.

@fbodymechanic Thank you my friend.


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According to the AUR it works for both. If I were me, I’d go sway today. Back when I was learning wayland was nowhere it is today.

Don’t forget when you install it when you put it in your config put it in as exec – always otherwise when you restart the config you will have to manually restart the script each time. It took me forever to figure that out.

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I was checking out autotiling in the AUR and noticed there is also swaymgr
I don’t know what difference there is, if any.

I checked out the PKGBUILD for both autotiling and swaymgr and the architecture is
for both. I will experiment with adding the following to that line of code
arch=(‘x86_64’ ‘aarch64’ ‘armv7h’)
and if it works I will see if the maintainers will ammend the PKGBUILD.


i use autotiling from AUR i put this line on my config file
exec_always --no-startup-id autotiling
it works

Still can’t get internet with the

Edit: Trying to find how to get into Calamares to change the internet again?

Edit2: Okay i found it!

I’ve not had the pleasure of using autotiling yet. How does it work? Is there a list of symlinks and the key combinations to perform this magic?


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i use the normal keybindings to move around

bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right

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It does unfortuanetly does not let you preset layouts. All it does is set up any window opened in a more useful way.


Not on my laptop(yes I realise there is a laptop in the picture but it is not mine) but enjoy my rudimentary artistic skills!



it open just like in bspwm
but when i move them around it is not like in bspwm

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Isn’t this the default Bspwm behavior? It splits the first child on active node.


yes it split like as bspwm



I did a clean bare metal install and the volume keys seem to work fine. I am aware that it did not work on my VM and I suspect its got something to do with my system settings rather than the ISO itself.

Again, thanks for bringing it up. I’ll keep in my mind, just in case more users report this problem.


Maybe I’ll give it another go here later this week. See if I can break anything else.

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I have installed it in v-box directly from the community editions. I also installed in v-box from gitbub on xfce. Both the super + F1 key doesn’t bring up the full list.

Thanks for being patient with a bspwm newbie.
BTW I see you are fairly new. Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy your time here.



i try to answer about autotiling to i3wm
i have been using bspwm on and off so i know about bspwm
but i like i3wm better