Arch32 and ArchPPC = Endeavour86 and EndeavourPOWER?

If anyone is willing to tell me what I need to do to recompile all the packages correctly, we can use my electricity to compile all the x86 packages!

Arch is annoying to install. And because Arch32 is not Arch, I get like 0 help from the main arch community.

Would like to port the 486, 686, and pentium4 packages as well as the PPD.

Getting a Talos OpenPOWER system and Endeavour is a friendly start hehe.

I will try to get a few things straight.

  1. EnOS uses Arch packages + a tiny (compared to Arch) reposirory containing a few specific packages. So EnOS heavily depends on Arch.
  2. Arch for PowerPC doesn’t exist. So neither does EnOS. You should use a distro supporting PPC like Debian and Gentoo on PPC. Arch for PPC seems quite barebones/experimental. See
  3. For x86 32-bit, you may install Arch32, add EnOS repo and install distro-agnoistic packages like backgrounds etc. Or go ahead and form EnOS 32-bit :innocent:
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