I’m trying to use my bluetooth headset (Huawei Freeclip) to connect to my computer to use as headset in conferences. No matter which option i pick, the mic is not working at all:
Yeah those two have like the quality of a 2g phone call. I did a bit of research and CVSD supports an 8khz signal and the mSCB supports 16khz. They are not the solution. A2DP is 44.1khz (which is what’s normal on PC audio). So far I have the option to have good quality sound and no mic, or bad quality sound and mic.
I’ve tried going into the pipewire documentation but I’m overwhelmed. I’ve seen some answers online applying to ubuntu and pulseaudio. I was hoping someone here went through the hoops already so I won’t have to
I think that`s all you will get currently in case you enable mic + phones aka headset mode over Bluetooth.
If i need to use my Headphones like that i go connect them with cable… or use another Mic.
I was really hoping to hear that there is a very technical solution on how to configure pipewire to use high quality codec for output and maybe the hfp codec for the mic. I’m going to leave this topic open maybe someone chimes in with a solution in that direction.
I had no troubles to record in audacity from my wireless headphones (Sony WL-C100), while using the SBC-XQ codex. Worked via ALSA as well as pipewire. Initially the mic input wasn’t listed in the audio volume widget, had to enable show virtual devices.