Any useful apps that dive into overall performance?

Not that it really matters but what apps if any work best for determining system overall performance? I’ve noticed a few . . . I’ve been looking on-line and using pacseek to see if any exist in AUR. that are interesting. What’s everyone’s thoughts on this subject?

Rich :wink:

I think pacseek is the best solution. Unless you do everything via the terminal, it really is the most useful tool. I’ve been using it for myself for a very long time. I find it very clear. All in all, it is very clear in which repo the program you are looking for is located.

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In the Arch AUR:

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Here’s CPU-X on my system. I haven’t started any Benchmarking, but there seems to be a lot of useful info.


You may try hardinfo2


Some very good information here. . . . I was going to print out ‘text’ hardinfo2_report.txt of everything it found hardwired to my system. 38 pages in total. . . . I’ve got the toner, but not the paper. . . .

Rich :slight_smile:

That’s what I use also…I also have Hardinfo2 installed.

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Perhaps I’m misinterpreting your question, but are you looking for system specs, or system performance?

If it’s the latter, then it really depends on whether you’re interested in “benchmarking” against other hardware setups (i.e., ones you don’t likely have anyhow) or simply getting a better sense for how your own actual setup is behaving?

For seeing under the hood of your own system’s performance, you might simply enjoy using glances- which you likely already have loaded through EOS. Simply type glances at the command line … and check out how your system resources hold up and capacity is being utilized during the activities in which you are normally engaged.

If that’s what you mean by “determining your system’s performance,” then you simply need to click your heels 3x as you’re already home. :vulcan_salute:

I just judge my computers performance by the way it responds. If it doesn’t boot and shutdown instantly and if applications such as a browser don’t open instantly then i take a sledge hammer to it! If the internets slow i change hardware and providers. I like light speed. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I’ve checked them all now. . . glances, htop, btop++, top, phoronix-test-suite, cpu-x, hardinfo2, got more information then I need. I guess I was wondering how much and what performance enhancements are met. Anyway’s I’ve got what I need. Thanks to you all that have responded.

Rich :wink:


wtf Rick! This is more speed than I can handle…

I’m waiting for 10 GigaBit! :laughing:

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I’m jealous…you should spend some time on ISDN (just because your high speed must be punished) :slight_smile: Higher speed (than I have) is available here, but really I don’t need what I have, though it is nice.
It only gets to be a pain (like yesterday) when a 120GB game dl takes oh 2 hours. However, having been a grownup in the age of dialup, at least I can use my phone while it’s going :wink:

I know all too well about Dial up and then DSL for many years.