Any plans on EndeavourOS ZFS?

They are part of the package zfs-utils and are in /usr/lib/systemd/system

You can also find the location of any systemd unit with systemctl status.

If you want to see the contents of the unit you can use systemctl cat

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Thanks again! I assumed they came with the utils package, but I didnā€™t locate them properly (although I WAS in the area!). It surely could be better explained somewhere accessible thoughā€¦ there is no PKGBUILD I can see for the utils! (could have searched harder, there is a git version I think. More reading to come - after I propagate this through the systems that need to have them enabled.

You can see the files associated with any installed package with pacman -Ql. For example:

pacman -Ql zfs-utils

It is here


What I thought for the git version - but I wasnā€™t expecting 2687 items from the pacman -Ql! Is there somewhere to find all this out without posting ā€˜marginalā€™ questions?

@joekamprad / @dalto Calamaris support has been completed and rEFInd supports it too now.

So when will endeavouros support it? :slight_smile:

when someone is willing to maintain ZFS support.
I would be willing to implement into installer configs.
But it will need maintainment on the long run.
If the same thing happens we have already with BTRFS support it could get a time-consuming Job :wink:


Easier to support zfs in static release distros where their kernels and zfs tools are synced up to work OOTB for the duration of that release.

Rolling with Arch is a bit different, having to rely upon (ie trust) an unofficial third party repo to provide zfs compliant zfs-linux kernels and zfs-dkms.

A separate community spin maybe, users install and maintain at their own risk, but not incorporated into the official installation media IMHO.

Assuming someone wants to do it ā€¦


I ran into a situation not too long ago with that problem - the repos got out-of-sync slightly, and I had to learn to selectively downgrade to create the sync for myself. I needed help to do so (thanks @dalto ) - but I would not characterize the experience as something to put on the distro devs!

It is unfortunate that the licensing ā€˜compromiseā€™ has left it impossible to put zfs into the kernel by default, as it is the best filesystem out there AFAIK - but I canā€™t see a small dev team trying to maintain a spin for it. I would be happy to try a community edition, but I come up short on knowledge/experience for the attempt!

I guess a combo of btrfs and xfs will have to do for nowā€¦

To be fair, that was an issue with the maintainer of that repo not keeping the zen kernel up-to-date properly. None of that would happen if zfs-dkms was used. If we did decide to put it on an ISO, I think that would be the safer way to go.

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It would probably be safer, but I am not sure it would be less intensive on the support front. Every larger kernel version change resulted in having to ignore the upgrade for a while until the new version was supported - which is why I swapped over to the other method in the first place! Perhaps we should all just lobby for a license change to happen at last - SO much simpler.

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It seems like that has become less of an issue since jonathon started helping with maintenance.

Ahhh! That would make sense! Good info to have. Next build I add on here Iā€™ll try it dkms again :grin:

i got a repo from a arch TU it has archzfs prety funny :slight_smile: but is a belgium repo offcourse :slight_smile:

Well, to be fair, this is actually pretty easy. Thereā€™s a repo which holds interim versions of the kernel, which are obviously signed. It allows to always fetch the newest zfs module and have the matching kernel, even if the arch kernel is a .1 release ahead.

This works reliably for me. :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s this companion repo:

Iā€™m happy to help with maintaining, even long term. :slight_smile:

I have quite a lot of experience with zfs, as I had run my Ubuntu 8.x on zfs-on-linux in the early days ;D

great to hear that, we could at least start a side project to see how it works and if it is worse the effort.

will be the place to see what is needed to get it configured into installer framework.

The only requirements are to provide zfs kernel modules and add the zfs calamares module to settings.conf.


Have you done this already? :slight_smile:

Not officially but I am the one who added zfs support to Calamares so I did quite a lot of testing with various ISOs including EndeavourOS.


Oh wow.

Soooo ā€¦ would you mind helping us to ship this? :slight_smile: