Any Music Creators Out There? Let's Hear Your Stuff!

Here’s something from me I recorded in 2018. I used samples from a 1978 episode of American television series “The Rockford Files.” It was supposed to be a futuristic episode dealing with privacy and your information going public. Science fiction in 1978. Just another day in 2024.


Hell yeah…but i never mix my identities for privacy, so i won’t share any of that! :upside_down_face:


I used a lot of Star Trek: TNG samples for this one. From Season 5, episode 9 “A Matter Of Time” (1991)

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This is groovy as hell, I love how the beat puts the samples into place. That guitar lick is awesome, too.

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We just released this kind of experimental EP. I just did bass + one of the songs started as something I made for FAWM last year.

Here’s some of the chaos I made last month on my own, using my Circuit and MicroFreak:


Thanks so much!

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From rock and punk to electronic experimental. Those are great! And I’m a sucker for experimental.

*Followed your band on Bandcamp and you on Soundcloud.

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Speaking of experimental

Cannabis Adderley is the alter-ego to Hallucination Layer. A one-off project I did a few years ago.


I recorded this instrumental track back in '09. I can’t believe it’s been 15 years…

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Another I recorded years ago. This one is from 2006…


that bass :boom:

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I wish I could say that was me. That bass was done by a close friend who passed away a while back. And yes, :boom: indeed.


This was the among the last few songs I recorded before the Covid pandemic. Several songs remain unfinished since the pandemic years. I need to get back to those soon. In the meantime, hope y’all enjoy this one…


Something I recorded in 2018, outer space and the human mind…

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Also from 2018, faith and atheism.

  • No offense meant to anyone who embraces religion. I do not, hence this song…


Possibly my favorite creation…

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With all this current talk of A.I. nowadays, here’s a track I created about 5 years ago.


I have crappy synthwave and dungeon synth music.

The reason I can’t abandon linux completely is because I have been with Cubase since version 5 (now on version 13), and I have tons of money in libraries/vsts

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Cubasae is older than linux, maybe it works on the BSDs?

@keybreak I’m curious now, you probably wouldn’t do that unless you were at least a moderately popular musician.

As for the 2 who shared music, I can dig it, both of u. Pig Head was pretty neat.


Some funky R&B Stuff, made in Bitwig. Made for vocalist