Akm Easter egg

Well, 3 people managed to produce the message don’t know you guys can’t it’s very straightforward. Click help then execute.

I wouldn’t just click on execute unless i had something to execute so it didn’t make sense to me. If it was explained that I’m trying to install the zen kernel and when i click execute this is what happens. Why would i click execute after clicking on help?

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To everyone who’s not getting this what DE are you guys using?


I can’t upload videos here. Anyway this is what I can get but I’m on XFCE. Might be something to do with XFCE.

EDIT: This is my enos test VM and I can reproduce this in my normal computer.

but akm was not installed. After installing akm, I did not get the “yad output is garbage”.


Still cannot produce it here on my Xfce.
What is your yad version?
pacman -Q yad

yad-eos 10.1-1

One more thing sometimes you have to do it twice. I found out that it sometimes doesn’t happen on the first run once you do the steps close akm open akm then do the same that happens.

Does making the following change in file /usr/bin/akm, line 414, help anything (last character from zero to three):

  --button="Execute!system-run!Make your changes":3

Do what twice?

:start akm -> help -> execute — if No message { goto start} else {stop loop} :slight_smile:

After changing this line from --button="Execute!system-run!Make your changes":0 to --button="Execute!system-run!Make your changes":3 that stopped the message from popping up.

So it helped? Wow!

Yes, I tried few time after changing it message didn’t pop up. So what was causing this?

To be honest, I don’t really know. It somehow is related to how yad button return values work. But I don’t know how this particular issue has anything to do with this yad feature.

Anyway, I can change this in akm as a “workaround”, because this change does not cause any issue here.

That’s great. So this thread can be marked as solved.

I guess so!
And please test the new akm release 2.9.1-1 and report. :wink:
Thanks to all who participated in this thread! :smile:

I just did a system update that downloaded the new akm. Also double-checked the /usr/bin/akm line 414 to be sure. The change is there and the pop-up didn’t happen.


Thanks! :+1:


I am on Plasma and while there was an error earlier, this version change helped me too.

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