hello. i have recently installed this nice distro on old i5 lenovo and even though i guess i may have over looked it at first, since i had other issues i supposed i deemed more important. i now noticed a 3d shadow like effect on the whole desktop environment. aka. fonts, icons. menus everything, and i can not find a solution. has anyone encountered this exact issue or something similar?
I believe they are referring to the subtle shading underneath the text on the filenames on their desktop. What I don’t know is what they want to do about it. OP, do you want to remove that shadow on the text?
Hmm…I think I see what you mean with the text on the icons. Take a look in Settings → Text & Fonts and try different settings for Hinting.You’ll need to log out and back in after each time to see any changes.
If that doesn’t help, you can also try changing the Sub-pixel rendering to BGR instead of the default RGB.
The other possibility is changing the theme’s Shadow and Outline settings
You beat me to it so I won’t duplicate the same information, but this is where I ended up too in terms of settings that could have this affect. And the font settings.
I know this may be a long shot, but is this the same desktop background you was using before?
I am wondering if the contrast between the light background and the dark outline of the characters is making it look more noticeable, if it is a different wallpaper that is. My desktop is empty so I don’t notice anything but I did try to compare between desktop and Dolphin and it looks fine on both as my backgrounds are quite dark.